Chapter 4 Test: 11/4 Flashcards
Theory of the Balance of Power
in this alliance there is always one nation that holds or controls the balance of power which is the nation that is the most necessary in the alliance
“Sick Man” of Europe
King Charles II
king of Spain; when he dies HRE and France will fight over his estate
Dutch capitol
The Hague
two types of Protestants in Europe
Orthodox and Arminius
what did Arminius believe?
toned down the finality of predestination
executed for heresy; later became common teaching
who do the Dutch replace as top trader?
who is the top trader in the east?
the Dutch
how is the Dutch government set up?
each province chooses an Estate General
each province chooses a Stat Holder but traditionally they choose the same one and he becomes the leader
who is the first Stat Holder?
William of Orange
what is the major concern of the Dutch?
military security
why don’t the Burgers want war?
it would disrupt trade
The Navigation Acts
passed by England
said that British colonies can’t trade with anyone but the UK unless using British ships
effect of the Navigation Acts
kills Dutch trade
why are the Dutch concerned when France invades the Spanish Netherlands?
the Dutch want to keep the Netherlands as a buffer zone between them and France
what three countries is the UK made up of and what are their religions?
- England: Anglicans
- Ireland: Catholic
- Scotland: Presbyterian
Stewart Rulers in order
- James I
- Charles I
- Charles II
- James II
- William and Mary
- Ann
which religious group is persecuted in the Commonwealth?
the Catholics
Prides Purge
Cromwell drives out members of Parliament who won’t agree to kill the king
The Rump
remaining members of Parliament after the purge who are responsible for the kings death
The Levelers leader
John Lilburne
Agreement of the People
document by the Levelers
- universal manhood suffrage
- equality in parliament representation
- written constitution
- religious tolerance
Society of Friends (Quakers) founder
George Fox
SOF beliefs
- equality
2. pacifism
Diggers founder
Gerard Winstanly
Diggers goal
occupy common land without actually owning the property
Fifth Monarchy Men
radical puritans who turn against the commonwealth and are killed
believe the return of Christ is signaled but the fall of the monarchy
why does the Commonwealth fail?
- dictatorial government and heavy taxes
- Puritan role in execution of Charles I
- Puritan intolerance of the Anglican religion
- severe puritan moral code
who is made king after the restoration of the monarchy?
Charles II
why do the people like Charles II?
- he doesn’t provoke parliament
2. he is supported by the church of England
what laws were made to limit Puritans?
- can’t hold public office
- ministers can’t teach school
- prohibit all Puritan religious meetings
Act of Settlement
each parish is responsible for their own poor
result of the Act of Settlement
economic growth is slowed because the population is demobilized
Declaration of Brida
returns land to Cavaliers who supper the King in war
Test Act
only members of the church of England can serve in the government or the military (targets Puritans/Catholics)
want to exclude James from the throne