Chapter 4: Early Heritage in Sports Flashcards
what were Egyptians recognized for?
- alphabet
- scientific, agricultural, and engineering powers
what was the classical period known for?
- art (painting, carving, literature)
- knowledge of the body, antiseptics, and surgery
what were the 7 eras of Chinese history?
- Shang Dynasty
- Zhou Dynasty
- Qin Dynasty
- Tang Dynasty
- Chinese Renaissance
- Yuan Dynasty
- Ming Dynasty
describe the Shang Dynasty.
- 1500 to 1000 B.C
- advancements in politics, economy, art, medicine, transportation, astronomy, and written communication
describe the Zhou Dynasty.
- until 221 B.C
- advancements in culture
describe the Qin Dynasty.
- lasted 15 years
- unified China into the first multinational, autocratic state
- initiation of the Great Wall
describe the Tang Dynasty.
- 618 to 907 A.D
- elevated China into the largest, richest, and most sophisticated state in the world
describe the Chinese Renaissance.
- 960 to 1279
- known for artistic and intellectual achievements
describe the Yuan Dynasty.
- 1271 for 8 years
- emerged after the defeat by Nomadic fighters from Mongolia
- Mongols established Beijing as a political, economic, and cultural center
describe the Ming Dynasty.
- art and science advances
- refurbishing the great wall
- strong and complex government
what was Greece well known for?
production of art, drama, history, mathematics, and athletics
what were the 4 eras of Greek history?
- homeric era
- sparta era
- athenian era
- later athenian era
describe the Homeric era.
- before 776 B.C.
- named after Greek poet Homer
- creation of the Greek ideal
who is Homer, from the Homeric era?
- composed Iliad and The Odyssey
what was the Iliad about?
- described funeral games
- honour of Homer’s friends who were killed in war
- discussed chariot races, boxing, spears, discus, and archery
what was The Odyssey about?
the wanderings and return of Odysseus from the Trojan War
what was the Greek Ideal?
- the unity of the “man of action” and “man of wisdom”
what is arete?
the all-around mental, moral, and physical excellence
describe the Spartan era.
- 776 B.C. to 371 B.C
- Greeks organized into 2 city states (Sparta and Athens)
- strict environment, everything controlled by the government
- during birth, weak children were left to die
- women had to suppress their emotions
- sons were taught to be obedient soldiers
- daughters learnt it was their responsibility to have healthy children
what was a male’s life like during the Spartan era?
- conscripted into the army from age 7 till death
- trained to be obedient soldiers
- if not in the army by 30, they would get married, have kids, and train their kids to be soldiers
what is agoge?
an education system that focused on the goal of serving the state
what is pancratium?
a contest with wrestling and boxing skills
what is valor?
devotion to state
describe the early Athenian era.
- 776 B.C to 480 B.C
- The Athenian Ideal
- girls and lower class boys were uneducated
- no mandatory conscription for men, but they still trained if needed by the government
what was the education system like in the early Athens?
- valued the all-around citizen
- education was for upper-class boys
- palaestras: wrestling schools
what are paidotribes?
the first physical education teachers
describe the late Athenian era.
- 480 B.C to 338 B.C
- cultural change, economic expansion, devotion to state turned into personal happiness
- soldier and military training stopped unless you were already in the military or a pro athlete
what was The Golden Age of Athens?
a time of democracy and intellectual curiosity led by sophists
what are sophists?
teachers of rhetoric, philosophy, and successful living
what were Pan-Hellenic Festivals?
- ancient Olympic games, in honour of Zeus
- exclusive to free, Greek-born males
- occurred every 4 years
- oath for fair play
- winners received an olive branch wreath and many benefits
what is a stade race?
footrace the length of the stadium (200m)
what is a pentathlon?
- long jump
- discus
- javelin
- stade race
- wrestling
what did athletes use as a discus?
throw a 4-5 pound circular stone of bronze
what did athletes use as a javelin?
leather thong on an 8-10 foot javelin
describe the Roman Republic.
- 500 B.C to 27 B.C
- focus on serving the state
- parents taught sons how to be a citizen-soldier, respect for the law, and reverence for the gods
- conscription 17-47 years old
- daughters were taught how to raise children
- no athletic contests
describe the Roman Empire.
- 27 B.C. to A.D 476
- establishment of the Circus Maximus and The Colosseum
- a lack of physical abilities which cause it’s fall
who was Claudius Galen?
- a physician who was educated at Alexandria, the greatest medical center of it’s time
- created manuscripts which were the basis of medical education during the medieval times
describe Medieval Europe.
- 500 to 1500
- dancing was a sin
- school and church could not be related
- vassals and knights valued physical training
- pages were educated about chivalry
- squires, knight servants, learnt how to climb and fence
- time of the Crusades
what were the Crusades?
8 military expeditions to expel Moslems and Turks form the Holy Lands
what is asceticism?
belief that rejects the comfort of society and accepts strict self discipline, practiced by monks
what is feudalistic?
economic, social, and political aspects of life revolved around ownership of land and military power
describe the Renaissance and Reformation.
- 1450 to 1650
- a renewed appreciation of classic culture
- intro to Protestant culture
- education was for upper-class boys
what is scholasticism?
intellectual development and importance of fixing religious beliefs
what is humanistic education?
it taught the importance of a healthy body and mind
what is realism?
the understanding of Greek classics and the importance of education to develop health and science
describe the Age of Enlightenment.
- 1700’s
- two prominent philosophies, educational disciplinarianism and naturalism
what is educational disciplinarianism?
- states that character requires a sound mind in a sound body
- best developed through moral and physical discipline
what is naturalism?
states that each child has a unique readiness to learn in a natural process, on their own time
describe the Nationalism in Germany
- desire for a unified Germany which threatened government leaders
what is a turnplatz?
outdoor exercise area where boys trained using balance beams, ropes (etc)
what was Swedish Gymnastics?
- emphasized medial, education, and aesthetics
- believed that knowledge and gymnastics could make Sweden a stronger nation
- became military training
describe sports in Great Britain.
- divided into class and socioeconomic status
- upper class sports were popular in boarding schools (cricket and rugby)
- sports taught people how to be a good citizen
what was the British Amateur Sport Ideal?
playing the game for the games sake
what is muscular christianity?
emphasized vigorous masculinity in relation to the develop of character