Chapter 4 Flashcards
- Salutary Neglect
the British not enforcing policies that led to the colonists believing that they did not have to follow the policies created.
- George I & II
British Kings who were originally German and therefore had Parliament ruling for them most of the time
- Privy Council
the first agency of colonial supervision
4, Colonial Agents
colonists who met in British Parliament and helped to strengthen the British and colonies ties
- Albany Plan of Union
Suggested by Benjamin Franklin that the thirteen colonies act as one in their dealings with Britian
- French and Indian War
the struggle between France and Great Britain to establish the largest landholdings in North America
- French North American Empire
included Quebec, Canada, and the land of the Louisiana Purchase
- New Orleans
an important port city that gave the owner of the city the entire Mississippi River
- Iroquois Confederacy
an Indian group that was largely influential and refused to side with the British and the French during the Seven Years War
- Fort Necessity
an English fort where the first French defeat of the French and Indian war occured
- George Washington
a colonist who was a Colonel during the French and Indian war and was born in Virginia
- Edward ‘‘Bulldog” Braddock
an English commander during the French and Indian War
- Seven Years War
a conflict between the English and French for land holdings in North America known as the French and Indian War and the real first world War
- William Pitt (The Elder)
a political leader in Britain during the Seven YEars War and support colonists
- Siege of Quebec
a turning point in the French and Indian War that was fought on December 31, 1775
- Cajuns
French residents of Nova Scotia who were uprooted by the British in 1755 and scattered as far south as Louisiana
- Treaty of Paris (1763)
gave the British control of Canada, Caribbean Islands, India, and Span gave Florida to Britain and gained Louisiana.
- George III
the insane king of England who permanently lost the 13 colonies but refused to acknowledge that he had done so
- George Grenville
Prime minister of Great Britain and Imposed the Stamp Act
- Proclamation of 1763
put into place by George the III that made it so colonists couldn’t settle pass the Appalachian mountains
- Mutiny Act of 1765
put into place by the British government that allowed soldiers to be house and fed by any house they chose: military courts could only enforce the laws
- Sugar Act of 1764
put into place by the Parliament of Great Britain that placed a tax on Sugar
- Currency Act of 1764
put into place by the Parliament of Great Britain that did not allow the colonists to print paper money
- Stamp Act of 1765
put into place by the Parliament of Great Britain that forced taxes on colonist stamps and parchments
- Paxton Boys
Scots-Irish that retaliated against Indians after the French and Indian War
- Regulator Movement
an uprising in North and South Carolina in which citizens tried to change the government of their colonies
- Patrick Henry
an american politician who helped stir the idea of independence in Virginia, and said “Give me Liberty or Give me Death”
- Virginia Resolves
a series of responses to the Stamp act given at the house of Burgess in Virginia
- Stamp Act Congress
the colonists attempts to have the stamp acts removed from the colonies
- Sons of Liberty
a colonist group who were fully dedicated to the idea of american independence and would go about any means to achieve it
- Charles Townshend
the creator of the Townshend act and tried to help the British to get out of their economic struggle
- Townshend Acts
put into place by Charles Townshend and taxed lead paint, tea, oil, glass
- boycott
the colonists refusal to buy british goods due to the high taxes on the goods.
- Lord North
British Prime MInister who put the intolerable acts into place
- Captain Thomas Preston
The Captain of the British guards during the Boston Massacre
- Crispus Attucks
the first person killed in the Boston Massacre and a black laborer.
- Boston Massacre
considered the first major case of casualties during the American Revolutionary war included soldiers accidentally firing their riffles on a crowd of colonists
- Paul Revere
a son of liberty who is famous for his midnight ride warning towns of the British Soldiers coming
- Samuel Adams
considered the head of the American Revolution, a son of liberty and cousin to John Adams
- English Constitution
an unwritten document that helped the British to try and display their rules
- “No taxation without representation”
the colonists cry that it was unfair for them to be taxed by the English government when they hadn’t elected a member of Parliament
- virtual representation
the British idea that the colonists could not complain that they weren’t represented in Parliament because every member of Parliament was for every British citizen.
- actual representation
the idea that every citizen in the British empire should be allowed to elect a member of parliament from their area to represent them
- Tea Act of 1773
the act that lowered the price of tea for the colonists but only allowed them to buy tea from the East India Compnay
- Daughters of Liberty
the female counterpart of the Sons of Liberty
- Boston Tea Party
Colonists dressed up as Indians and dropped tons of British tea into the Boston harbor to protest the Tea act
- Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts
the British response to the Boston Tea Party, which closed off Boston Harbor and did not allow the colonists congresses to meet
- Quebec Act
gave more rights to the French Canadians such as allowing Catholic Bishops to teach and allow Catholics to run for Public Office
- First Continental Congress
a committee that met for seven weeks to discuss the American Idea of independence
- Conciliatory Propsitions
an attempt to reach peace with the colonies prior to the revolutionary war
- Minutemen
militias of colonies that were seen as a threat to Britain because they were supposed to be ready to fight at a minutes notice
- General Thomas Gage
Commander in Chief of the British army that was charged to implement the Intolerable acts
- Battle Lexington and Concord
the places where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired, due to a conflict between the British Soldiers and the minutemen