Chapter 16 Flashcards
- Californios
Mexican elites who occupied California when the U.S. Acquired it from Mexico
- Plains Indians
Indians who inhabited the Great Plains region of the United States
- Coolies
Chinese immigrants who worked on the transcontinental railroad
- Chinatown
A town occupied by Chinese immigrants that helped to get them jobs and act as a home away from home
5.Anti-coolie clubs
Clubs that tried to stop Chinese immigration and would do so by boycotting goods
- Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
The act was used to help lessen the flow of Chinese immigrants into the U.S.
- Homestead Act of 1862
Helped to settle the west allowed land to be bought for a cheap price as long as it was maintained for 5 years and had a 12•12 structure on it
- Comstock Lode
The first major discovery of Silver Ore in the United States
- Black Hills Gold Strike
Began in 1874 after someone found gold in the black hill
- Anaconda Copper Mine
Located in Butte Montana, marked the beginning of an industry in Montana
- “Boomtown”
Towns located near places where gold was struck and often had an uneven amount of men to women
- The Cattle Kingdom
The overtaking of ranching that showed people that there was a lot of money to be made in it
- Vaquero
A Mexican cowboy
- Cowboys
A man who tends cattle for a job
- Chisholm trail
A trail used to transport cattle from Texas to Kansas railheads
- Range wars
Wars between farmers and ranchers over land
- Rocky Mountain School
A school for artists and focused on impression
- Mark Twain, roughing it
Describes what It’s like to spend the night in a stagecoach station and his journey across the United States
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Talks about life of children the South in post civil war era
- Frederic Remington
A painter who painted realist western scenes
- Frederick Jackson Turners
Made a thesis stating that the west was still available to settle
- Wild West Shows
Shows that romanised the west and included things like shoot outs
- Buffalo Bill
Created Wild West shows for people to come and see
- Annie Oakley
A performer in Buffalo Bills Wild West Shows
- Concentration policy
Gave tribes of plains Indians parcels of land to live on
- Reservations
Lands out in the west where Indians were placed so the United States could take their previously assigned lands
- Indian Wars
Wars between the United States and the Native American over land
- Sand creek Massacre
Indians gathered at army lines for protection and were then attacked my drunken soldiers
- Battle of Little Bighorn
The Sioux Indians rebelled against the governments efforts to take their lands and the government Calvary then was massacred
- Indian Hunting
To bring an Indian dead before the government was to receive a monetary prize
- Crazy Horse
1840 – September 5, 1877 was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota.
- Sitting Bull
a Hunkpapa Lakota holy man who led his people as a tribal chief during years of resistance to United States government policies.
- Chief Joseph
To avoid war, and save his people Chief Joseph tried retreating to Canada with his people. They were cornered
- Cochise
Tried to resist white settlement on his lands in Arizona
- Geronimo
Resisted white settlements on his lands in Arizona and led raids on white settlers
- Ghost Dance Religion
An Indian religion that
- Massacre of wounded knee
a shot was fired which resulted in the 7th Cavalry’s opening fire indiscriminately from all sides, killing men, women, and children, as well as some of their own fellow soldiers.
- Dawes Act
authorized the President of the United States to survey American Indian tribal land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians
- Indian Boarding school
Used to try and assimilate Indians into the American culture
- Barbed Wire
Helped solve disputes between farmers and ranchers and made settlement possible