Chapter 32 Flashcards
- September 11, 2001
Al Qaeda planned a group of terrorist attacks that killed thousands of people when two passenger planes struck the twin towers in New York
- Bill Clinton
impeached, had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and was a president who balanced the National budget and created surplus in it
- Hillary Rodham Clinton
Bill Clinton’s First Lady. She created the healthcare program under Bill Clinton
North American Free Trade Agreement, worked to bring free trade across the North American Continent
- White Water Affair
a real estate deal in which the Clintons invested during the ’70s brought out banking and real estate ventures that included the Clintons
General Agreements on Tariff and Trade made worldwide trading easier by reducing tarrifs
- Newt Gingrich
Promoter of the “Contract with America” and the first Republican speaker in 40 years.
- Ross Perot
Ran on the independent ticket for the 1992 Presidential election -Harped incessantly on the problem of the federal deficit
- Monica Lewinsky
a White House intern who had an affair with president Bill Clinton
- Clinton Impeachment
Lewinsky had an improper relationship, impeachment became an issueHouse narrowly approved 2 counts of impeachment; lying to the jury and obstructing justice
- Kosovo Intervention
A province of Serbian dominated Yugoslavia where a civil war broke out between them and Serbians
- Election of 2000
Al Gore verse George Walker Bush the election ended in a recount of votes from Florida
- Florida recount
Gore and Bush needed Florida to win where the votes were counted incorrectly, so the supreme court chose Bush by one vote
- Bush v. Gore
Supreme Court Case in which the supreme court ordered a recount of Florida’s votes by 12/12/2001 ,but the ruling was given on 12/12/2001
- Bush Tax Cuts
ended up favoring the wealthy, which made the tax cuts extremely controversial
- bubble
a speculative bubble in which the stock market grew super fast in the area of new information technologies on the world wide web, before crashing in 2000.
- Globalization
the process of the world becoming more alike, and includes things such as outsourcing
- Microsoft
the developers of the first Personal computer and its attaching software
- Apple Computer
called the Macintosh 2 and was Apple’s attempt at a personal computer
- Internet
used to send graphics, pictures, and information world wide by linking computers togeter wirelessly
the basic structure of life, double helix ,through human geome project DNA tests were able to be used
- Rodney King Incident
black man who fled the police after being beaten by them, the four white officers were acquitted in court
- OJ Simpson Trial
OJ Simpson was accused of killing his wife and a black boy in Los Angeles and he was acquitted of charges
product of HIV virus (transmitted through bodily fluids), worldwide epidemic, most people infected are in africa, product of increase in unsafe sex and sharing needles, effective treatments were found but expensive decreased in U.S. by 26,000 from 1995-2005
- Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Movements
Pro-Life: movement against abortion
Pro-choice: Movement that believed that a woman should have the right to decide when to have a child
- Global Warming
the environmentalist idea that the polar caps of the earth were melting and would lead to climate change
- Islamic Fundamentalism
a network of Islamic terrorist organizations, led by Osama bin Laden
- Al Qaeda
an islamic terrorist Organization lead by Osama Bin Laden and behind the September 11 attacks
- Guantanamo Prison
anyone who was suspected to have connections of the Taliban was imprisoned here as a result of the September 11 attacks
- Iraq War
a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, George W. Bush wanted to start war on the idea of 9/11 attacks and the rumor that Iraq had Nuclear weapons
- “Mission Accomplished”
George W. Bush’s speech to the American people stating why he wished to declare war.
- “No Child Left Behind”
an education reform that hoped that by pushing kids through the system improvement would happen
- Hurricane Katrina
a massive hurricane that destroyed much of the Gulf of Mexico, people were unhappy with how government helped the victims
- Recession of 2008
brought on by tax cuts to the wealthy, and was the worst economic recession since the 1930s
- Election of 2008
Barack Obama vs John McCain Obama wanted to reduce troops in Iraq, increase taxes for wealthy.