Chapter 18 Flashcards
- Push factors
What makes a person want to leave a place
- Urbanization
The migration of a person from rural areas to the city
- Pull factors
What makes someone want to come to a place
- Immigrants ghettos
Placed where immigrants would live after they had come to America
- Assimilation
The process of integrating through giving up ones old culture for a new one
- Nativism
The ideas that the only people who should be allowed in the country are white people from the mayflower
- Immigration restrictions league
Used tests to try and help stop and limit the flow of immigrants
- Central Park
Created to help make cities look nicer and allowed and escape
- City beautiful movement
The attempt to make cities nicer to live in
- Back bay
Landfill neighborhood in Boston
- Suburbs
Communities located on the out skirts of cities
- Tenements
Places where immigrants would live that often didn’t have windows
- Jacob Riis
Took pictures of people in tenements to help show how bad their living conditions were
- Mass transit
Help make commuting easier and cheaper
- Skyscraper
Buildings made possible due to the mass production of steel
- Pollution
Made due to coal burning in factories
- Public health service
charged with preventing occupational diseases
attempted to create common health standards for all factories
limited impact
established protection of public health as federal responsibility
- Boss rule
Immigrant politicians started to be able to have power over basic jobs
- Tammany Hall
political machine
George Washington Plunkitt
William M. Tweed
- Boss Tweed
an American politician most notable for being the “boss” of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in the politics of 19th century New York City and State
- Mass merchandising
The high demand of products created a high need for production of goods
- A & P
is a supermarket and liquor store chain in the United States
- Woolworth
A chain of dried food chain stores
- Chain stores
Stores by the same name and owned by the same company that poped up everywhere
- Mail order catalog
Allowed buyers to choose from a wide array of goods and get them in a few month s
- Montgomery Ward
historically distinct American retail enterprises. It can refer either to the defunct mail order and department store retailer, which operated between 1872 and 2000
- Sears Roubuck
Created by Sears that sold a variation of goods and put out mail order catalogues
- Department Stores
Were designed to show that shopping could be a whole day affair
- National Consumer Leagues
1891, is an American consumer organization. The National Consumers League is a private, nonprofit advocacy group representing consumers on marketplace and workplace issues
- Coney Island
An amusement park that helped people escape
- Major leagues baseball
Considered the nations sport and gained popularity after the civil war
National Collegiate athletics Association
- Basketball
Another sport that invoked a ball and was played in colleges
- George M Cohen
American entertainer, playwright, composer, lyricist, actor, singer, dancer and produce
- Irving Berlin
An American composer and lyricist
- Vaudville
A show that combined various types of acts
- Birth of a Nation
One of the first silent films
- Nickelodeon
A jukebox that required a coin to play music
- Dime Novels
We’re used as a source of entertainment inside homes
- Scott Joplin
Wrote and played ragtime music
- William Randolph Hearst
The owner of a newspaper company
- Joseph Pulitzer
Owner of the New York Sun a Newspaper company
- Ladies home journal
An American magazine published for women
- Mark Twain
Wrote books about young boys who lived in the south
- Uptown Sinclair
A black author/writer who wrote about the jungle oil
- Ashcan school of Art
An art school that encouraged realism
- Stephen Crane
Wrote the red badge of courage which is a famous American novel
- Charles Darwin
Had the idea that the fittest organism would live on
- Land Grant Universtiy
education in the United States designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890.
- Women’s colleges
Helped to educated women some were separated colleges while others we separate buildings