Chapter 17 Flashcards
- Pittsburg
The place the first steel processing Center was build had an abundance of iron ore
- Bessemer Steel Process
Involved piping air into hot iron helped Andrew Carnegie to mass produce steel
- Edwin Drake
Credited with being the first person to drill for oil in the United States
- Internal Combustion Engine
The engine that helped make automobiles possible
- Gottfried Daimler
Created the first car in the world and named it after his daughter
6.Henry Ford
Used the assembly line to assemble his cars which made them cheap
- Wright brothers
Owned a bicycle shop and are responsible for the first maned airplane flight
- Scientific Management
management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows. Its main objective is improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity.
- Moving assembly line
Made products cheaper to purchase and had each person do a single part of an item
- Time zones
Created by railroads to help keep the nation on the same time schedule
- Andrew Carnegie
Adopted the idea of the gospel of wealth paid to put a library in every town in the United States and had an extremely profitable steel business
- United States steel Corporation
A late nineteenth century monopoly on steel production
- Middle manager
A person who would communicate between the owners and employees of a business
- Horizontal Integration
Buying like corporations in order to try a get a monopoly on your area of business
- Vertical integration
Owning the steps to make your product in its entirety
- John D Rockefeller
The head of standard oil liked to proclaim himself as a self made man
- Trust
an entity created to hold assets for the benefit of certain persons or businesses
- Holding Company
a company or firm that owns other companies’ outstanding stock.
- Self-made man
A man who acquired his great wealth from humble beginnings and working up
- Social Darwinism
The best and the brighter succeed all men are born equal but only the cream rises to the top
- Herbert Spencer
A philosopher who had ideas about evolution
- Gospel of Wealth
The idea the the wealthy were required to give part of their excess to the poor
- Horatio Alger
A writer who appealed to younger audiences versus older ones
- Louisa May Alcott
Author of Little Women her books featured strong heroines
- Russell Conwell
Has the idea the land out west was full and ready to settle if one was willing to work for it
- Lester frank ward
was an American botanist, paleontologist, and sociologist. He served as the first president of the American Sociological Association. Wikipedia
- Henry George
an American writer, politician and political economist, who was the most influential proponent of the land value tax and the value capture of land/natural resource rents, an idea known at the time as Single-Tax
- Edward Bellamy
an American author and socialist, most famous for his utopian novel, Looking Backward, a Rip Van Winkle-like tale set in the distant future of the year 2000
- National Labor Unions
1st effort to create National union. Was initially secret The first federation of labor unions in the United States. Founded …
- Molly Maguires
an Irish 19th century secret society active in Ireland, Liverpool and United States. The “Mollies” were mostly known for their activism amongst Irish American coal miners in Pennsylvania.
- Great railroad strike
began on July 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States and ended some 45 days later, after it was put down by local and state militias, and federal troops. Labor unions were not involved; these were spontaneous outbreaks in numerous cities of violence against railroads.
- Knights of Labor
one of the most important American labor organizations of the 1880s. Its most important leader was Terence V. Powderly. The Knights promoted the social and cultural uplift of the workingman, rejected Socialism and radicalism, demanded the eight-hour day, and promoted the producers ethic of republicanism
- American Federation of Labor
was the first federation of labor unions in the United States. It was founded in Columbus, Ohio, in May 1886 by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor, a national labor association.
- Haymarket square massacre
This was a riot led by the knights of labor in Chicago. It began as an attempt to secure an 8 hour work day. 12 people were killed when an anarchist threw a bomb into a column of policemen. This act of violence was linked to the Knights of Labor and was a major setback to their cause
- Homestead Strike
Carnegie’s steel workers had a sit down strike. in response, Carnegie hired the Pinkerton Detective Agency to stop the strike, but the attempt failed. The government militia laid siege to the factory for 20 weeks before the workers capitulated.
- Henry Clay Fisk
was an American industrialist, financier, and art patron.
- Pullman Strike
This strike began when the Pullman Palace Car company severely cut wages for its workers. The railroad workers responded by refusing to link any Pullman car to a train. The Gov. transported mail on Pullman cars making the union’s actions a federal offense.
- Eugene Debbs
founder of American Railway Union and became the founder of the American Socialist party