Chapter 3.2 (The Impact of Sport on Society and of Society on Sport) Flashcards
Define Society
An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
Define Socialisation
A lifelong process where members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices, and roles in order to take their place in that society
Define Internalisation
The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated with yourself
Define Gender Socialisation
The act of learning to conform to culturally defined gender roles through socialisation
Define Social Control
A concept that refers to the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems
Define Institution
An established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose
Define Social Change
An alteration in the social order of a society
Define Social Issues
Problems that affect many people within a society
Define Inequality
The unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society
Define Social Stratification
A type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristic, such as wealth or status
Define Social Class
A term used to define social inequalities, i.e. certain groups have more access to wealth, income or power than others. Factors include a person’s job, family background, education and income
Define Social Action Theory
A way of viewing socialisation, emphasising social action
Define Progression
The process of gradually developing towards a more advanced state
Define Interactionist Approach
The study of how individuals behave within a society
Define equal opportunities
The right to access the same opportunities, regardless of factors such as race, age, sex, mental or physical capabilities
Define Prejudice
To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual, often based on inadequate facts (e.g. lack of tolerance, dislike of people from a specific race, religion or culture which can negatively affect of a coach’s treatment of a performer from an ethnic minority background
Define Discrimination
The unfair treatment of a person or, minority group, to make a distinction and act on a prejudice
Define Stereotyping
A standardised image; making simple generalisations about all members of a group which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly
What are the main barriers to participation in sport? (TIME)
What are Infographics?
A graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly
Define Disability
A term used when impairment adversely affects performance
Define Integration
Able-bodied and disabled people taking part in the same activity at the same time (e.g. London Marathon)
Define Segregation
People with disabilities participating separately among themselves (e.g. the Paralympics)
Define Race
The physical characteristics of an individual
Define Racism
A set of beliefs or ideas based on the assumption that races have distinct hereditary characteristics that give some races an intrinsic superiority over others; it may lead to physical or verbal abuse
Define Ethnic Groups
People who have racial, religious or linguistic traits in common
Define Stacking
The disproportionate concentration of ethnic minorities in certain positions in a sports team, which tends to be based on the stereotypes that they are more valuable for their physicality than their decision making and communication qualities
Define Channeling
Ethnic minorities may be pushed into certain sports and even certain positions within a team, based on assumptions about them
What is the Rooney Rule?
Requires National Football teams in the USA to interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation jobs
Define Gender
A biological aspect of person, either a male or female
Define Sexism
The belief that one sex is inferior to the other, usually women
What are County Sport Partnerships (CSPs)?
National networks of local agencies working together to increase numbers in sport and physical activity
Define Whole Sport Plans
A business plan/document submitted to Sport England outlining each national governing body’s strategies to grow participation and enhance talent over the four-year period the Whole Sports Plan is in operation