Chapter 3.10: Quiet Revoluton Flashcards
Which party takes over after Duplessis’ death? In what year?
Parti Liberal PM Lesage in 1960
What do the slogans “Maîtres chez nous” and “C’est le temps qu’ça change” represent?
’60s PL ready to take hold of prov’s economic/social dev
Who introduces the welfare state in QC? What does it mean?
’60s PL; gov’t helping to protect citizens from social risks, providing for needs; social services (ex medicare)
What was l’équipe du tonnerre?
PL’s Lesage + Levesque + 2 more; create new ministries and laws, gov’t corporations, eliminate Church’s power on health edu and social affairs.
In what year is hospitalization insurance introduced?
When are the ministries of Cultural Affairs and Revenue created?
What is the SGF? When is it introduced?
Finance plan for QC businesses, 1962
In what year do almost all private elec companies nationalize?
When is the ministry of Education created?
When is the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) introduced?
What reformation does the Labour Code get? When?
Public service workers given the right to strike, 1964
In what year is the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec created? What for ?
1964, handles QC money to invest and make more
What are SOQUEM and SIDBEC? When are they created?
Mining and steel industries, 1964
When is the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs created?
When is the Société d’habitaton du Québec created?
How is political campaign spending reformed in the 60s?
- Officials appointed to verify money spendings of candidates
- Mandatory public reports of electoral spendings
What is the Quebec Election Act of 1963?
Prevent legal entities from financing parties for better treatment
- Cannot donate more than 3k$ to a party/year
- 100$+ donations must be made public
How was voting made more representative during the 60s?
More electoral districts created, voting age lowered from 21 to 18
What was La ligue des droits et libertés? What consequence does it have?
- PET and Thérèse Casgrain, among others; goal to create a QC declaration of rights and freedoms
- Creation of Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms in 1975
What is the importance of QC’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
- Prohibits discrimination on race, sex, religion, language, sexual preference, age, disability
- Only charter to discuss relations between people; obliged to help someone in danger, family of a senior obliged to provide security and protection
What causes the Francophones to begin to fear they would become a minority in their own province in the early-mid 1900s?
Influx of immigrants choosing English
How does QC begin to protect its culture/language in the mid 1900s?
Immigrants required to send children to a french school
What is bill 63?
Parents could choose what language school to send their children
What is bill 22?
Required children to go to french school unless they could pass an english language test
What is bill 101/Charter of the French Language?
1976, PQ Levesque
- All children to go to french school unless family has gone to english
- French laws recognized only
- 50+ employee companies must have french software
- Ads/signs must have French be bigger than english
- Office de la langue francaise (language police) created
What is Les Insolences du Frère Untel? How does it affect the Church?
Book criticising Church, causing many to abandon the religion in the 60s