Chapter 3: PEO Model Flashcards
What is the PEO model?
The PEO model is a conceptual framework developed by a group of Canadian OTs to provide a systematic way to analyze complex occupational performance issues within the context of OT practice.
What is a transactive model?
In a transactive model, the relationships are bidirectional and mutually influential. The environment can influence the person and vice versa; in the process, this interaction creates a change in the occupation that, in turn, can influence the person and environment.
What is the Theory of Optimal Experience?
In this theory, adaptation is viewed as the congruence between challenges present within an activity and the environment and a person’s skills. They coined the term flow to describe the experience of losing oneself in an inherently satisfying activity.
What is the Ecological System’s Model?
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems model, for example, assumed the interdependence of people and “nested” social systems: the individual’s microsystem in the center, surrounded by a mesosystem of families and work/school, which was surrounded by an exosystem of formal and informal social structures, which in turn was enveloped by a macrosystem of institutions in society.
What was the Health Communities Conceptual Model?
The Healthy Communities Conceptual model considered the influence of community, culture, and social policy on the mind, body, and spirit of an individual.
The creation of the PEO model was influenced by…
Increased use of the environment as a treatment modality for OT.
Occupational therapists reclaiming occupation as a central focus of practice.
Shift in health care to a focus on health and wellness, with health linked to people having autonomy over their environments.
Recognition that professional intervention services are not assumed to be the best or only intervention, with government policies making self-help and supportive, caring communities a new focus.
A growing consumer movement supported by legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Describe the person component of PEO.
The person, a composite of mind, body, and spirit, is viewed as “an integrated whole who incorporates spirituality, social and cultural experiences, and observable occupational performance components.” The performance components refer to what the person is feeling (affective), thinking (cognitive), and doing (physical), which “contribute to successful engagement in occupation.”
Spirituality is at the core of all PEO interactions. “Spirituality resides in the person, is shaped by the environment, and gives meaning to occupations.”
Describe the environment component of PEO.
The environment is “the context within which occupational performance takes place;” the environment shapes the person’s occupational experience and influences the opportunities for occupation. The environment encompasses not only the immediate physical location where an occupation is being performed, but includes local social situations, such as families and neighborhoods.
Elements of the environment are classified as cultural, institutional, physical, and social.
The social environment is considered with respect to the capacity to provide emotional, instrumental (e.g., information, money, food), and structural (e.g., reminders, consistency) support.
Describe the occupation component of the PEO model.
Occupations are “clusters of activities and tasks in which people engage while carrying out various roles in multiple” locations.
American OTs use the classifications: ADLs, IADLs, education, work, play, leisure, and social participation. Occupations place affective, cognitive, and physical demands on the individual performing the occupation.
What is occupational performance?
Occupational performance is “the result of a dynamic relationship between persons, environment and occupation over a person’s lifespan . . . refers to the ability to choose, organize, and satisfactorily perform meaningful occupations that are culturally defined and age appropriate for looking after oneself, enjoying life, and contributing to the social and economic fabric of a community.”
Describe the dimensions of time.
The PEO model reflects how individuals grow and change over the course of their lives.
Describe the dimensions of space.
Space is a further dimension that is experienced by location. Space has an emotional element and attributed meanings. Location refers to the physical aspect of space.
Space can also have emotional connections. Emotional spaces are socially constructed and given meanings by ourselves and others.
The PEO model is effective in mental health practice because it promotes the client’s full participation in his or her everyday life in several ways:
Embodies principles of client-centered practice
Supports reflective EBP.
Therapists can reach a clear, comprehensive understanding of the complexities of human performance and experience, while considering influential relationships at the micro and macro levels.
Expands options for intervention.
Identifies focused interventions with relevant outcomes.
Frames the scope of practice.
Facilitates communication of practice within and outside occupational therapy practice.
Supports advances in the occupational therapy profession.
The analysis of occupational performance involves…
looking at different layers of relationships and then synthesizing the understandings into a formulation as a whole to identify options for improving the PEO fit
The relationships are examined systematically in the context of the identified occupational performance issue by:
Assessing the important elements that influence the client’s identified occupational performance in the context of the particular client’s living situation with respect to each of the three main components: person, environment, and occupation.
Recognizing and understanding from the client’s perspective the meanings ascribed for engaging in the occupation in the given environment, particularly the influence of time and space.
Considering all 3 components and the transactional relationships to help ascertain what factors support and constrain occupational performance for this person to engage and participate in occupations within the environment.
In collaboration with the client, identifying strategies to improve occupational performance by removing barriers and constraints and developing supports to improve the quality of the PEO fit.