Chapter 1: Recovery Flashcards
What is recovery?
Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
Recovery is a unique and deeply personal experience that is driven by the search for active control, or agency, over one’s life.
What is recovery guided by?
The individual’s dreams and goals, strengths, gifts, and skills which can help create a plan to pursue occupations that matter.
What are SAMHSA’s 4 dimensions that support recovery?
Health – overcoming or managing one’s diseases or symptoms and making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being.
Home – a stable and safe place to live.
Purpose – allows someone to reach his or her full potential through meaningful daily activities.
Community – relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.
- Community integration includes the ways the individual engages, participates in, and gives back to the community.
What are SAMHSA’s 10 guiding principles of recovery?
Many pathways
Peer support
Addresses trauma
How can OTPs facilitate recovery?
- home management skills
- illness management tools
- coping skills
What is the lived experience?
Provides a first-hand account based on personal experience.
It can help other learn more about the lives of those living with mental health and/or substance use challenges.
It’s important in building a community understanding of recovery.
OT and recovery
Health through engagement in occupations
Environments that support occupational choices
Meaningful occupations
Social participation and co-occupation
What is recovery to practice?
A technical assistance approach to build recovery-oriented practices among mental health and substance use practitioners.
It has helped shape the behavioral health workforce through creating training materials, providing webinars, and promoting ongoing recovery-driven practice development.
What happened after the passage of the Affordable Care Act?
The passage of the Affordable Care Act moved the system toward an integrated model of care that serves behavioral and physical health needs.
What does the Protecting Access to Medicare Act include?
The Protecting Access to Medicare Act included provisions from the Excellence in Mental Health Act that called for demonstration programs aimed at increasing the quality of and expanding access to mental health and substance use treatment.
What did the Excellence in Mental Health Act create?
The Excellence in Mental Health Act created the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration program.