Chapter 3 Flashcards
Period from conception to birth (280 days)
-within hours of conception, sperm and egg create zygote
Insemination of an ovum by a sperm
The new cell created when the sperm and egg fuse
Support system that-via the umbilical cord-provides food and oxygen to the developing child and carries waste products away
When the zygote embeds in the uterus’s nutrient-rich lining like roots of a growing plant into soil
Failure to conceive a child after 12 months of sexual intercourse without birth control
In vitro fertilization IVF
When a woman takes fertility drugs so her body releases more than one egg, her ova are surgically removed at ovulation, and then mixed with her partners sperm in a lab dish and put back into her
Sex cells (sperm and ova)
Surrogate mother
Woman who is impregnated with a male’s sperm through artificial insemination or with the couples embryo through IVF
Artificial insemination
Inserting sperm directly into the woman’s uterus with a syringe
Specialized layers of cells
Ectoderm: top cell layer -skin, hair, mouth, nose, nervous system Mesoderm: middle cell layer -muscles, bones, heart, blood cells Endoderm: outer cell layer -tongue, tonsils, urethra, bladder
The embryo
Week 3-8
Specialized layers of cells begin to form
-Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
The fetus
Week 8-birth
Central nervous system becomes active
Further brain development
How body proportions change
Cephalocaudal: head to tail
Proximodistal: inward to outward
Brain placticity
The ability for the brain to change and adapt
Experience-expectant processes
Basic experiences needed (exposure to language, touch)
Experience-dependent processes
Creates connections based on environment (2+ languages)
-kids pick up on these experiences
Loss of interest suggest the baby recognizes the stimuli
-Ex: video of baby looking at pepper becomes less interested each time they see it
Novelty response
Interest and more time spent looking at a new stimuli
-Ex: infants looking at different types of spices-how long for each spice
Set of mental operations that form a structure and underlies infants thoughts
-organized pattern of behavior reflecting the world
Sensorimotor stage
Birth-2 years
Learn reflexes
A process where knowledge is altered by experience
- assimilation
- accomodation
New info put into the brain
Adapting old info
-Balloon: kids are used to gravity pulling things down, but they float up
Exploratory play
Helps infant learn what objects do
Symbolic play
Make believe and mental representations
Grouping separate items into a set according to some rule
Infants remember previously experienced events
Object permanence
Know an object is there even if they can’t see it
-Peek a boo
A, not B task/ A, not B error
Repeatedly put toy under some cloth, but when the toy is put under other cloth, they can’t find it
Sounds must be produced and perceived
Meaning of words must be learned
Grammar of language must be understood for meaningful communication
-I went to the store vs. I goed to the store
Infant-directed speech
Varying inflection, speed, and word choice when talking with infants
Turn taking
Conversational give-and-take
Nonverbal support of communication
Stages of language
- Prelinguistic stage
- One-word stage
- Multi-word stage