Chapter 19 Flashcards
Persistent Vegetative State
When higher cortical functioning (thinking and feeling) stops while brain stem functioning (heart beat and breathing) continues
Brain Death
Death that is considered to have occurred when all brain activity (brain waves) stop for a specified period of time
Advance Directive
Legal document that says what kind of life support they will get if they become terminally ill and can’t communicate their wants
Living Will
Directions about treatments they want if they become terminally ill and death is imminent
Durable Power of Attorney
Specific person makes a decision on behalf of terminally ill patient if unable to communicate their wants
Health Care Proxy
Someone legally designated to make health care decisions on behalf of an ill patient
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
Order from the physician to all medical personnel that no one should resuscuitate the patient if they experience cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest
Intentional act of ending a terminally ill person’s life to end suffering
Passive Euthanasia
Getting rid of life support for terminally ill patient that prolongs patients life
Active Euthanasia
Actions that deliberately induce death in a terminally ill patient (injections)
Physician-assisted Dying
Doctors helping patients die by prescribing lethal dose of medicine or toxic gas that patients self-administer
Stages of Dying
Emotions individuals experience while struggling to accept their impending death Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Good Death
Process of death that makes patients comfortable, treats them with dignity, provides support for family, and helps patient have closure
Palliative Care
Care designed to improve quality of life for patients with life threatening illnesses by providing relief from physical discomfort and emotional support for patients and family members
Hospice Care
Care for terminally ill who have less than 6 months to live
- nurses, doctors, social workers, counselors, etc.
- manages patients discomfort, respect patients needs, concerns, and personal priorities, provide support, help patient prepare for death
Objective experience of having lost a loved one
Painful emotional responses to loss of loved one
-sorrow, yearning, anxiety, guilt, shock, numbness
Dual Process Model of Coping with Berearement
Bereaved individuals need to cope with their feelings as well as changed realities of their lives
Manner in which a person expresses grief, often shaped by cultural practices