Chapter 3 Flashcards
More exclusive and involve deeper levels of connection and caring and have a sexual component.
Intimate relationships or Partnerships
What is the best predictor of a successful marriage?
Age of the partners
Reciprocal relationship based on mutual liking and caring, respect and trust, and interest.
Which are more stable… Friendships or Romantic partnerships
Having family and friends to turn to when you simply want to share positives as well as during times of crisis provides this.
Social support
Have an advantage. They are evaluated more positively by parents, teachers, and potential employers and make more money. Close proximity in environments plays a part in this.
Attraction, attractive people
True or False?
People who are more straight-forward and respectful are more likely to get into a relationship than people who are indirect or play hard to get.
Stringing a potential partner along without committing
When a rejected person submits a Venmo request for half the cost of the date
When a person not only stand you up on a date but also blocks you on all apps
When one person is pursuing a relationship while holding on to others as a backup.
Cookie jarring
An ex who continues to stay in contact after a breakup.
paper clipping
States that we fall in love with people who are similar to us in important ways. Couples with more similarities, seem to have not only greater marital harmony but also higher fertility rates.
Similarity theory
States that we are looking for someone who fills not just our emotional needs but also our needs for security, money, goods, and more.
Social exchange theory
Defined as a state of intense longing for union with another.
Passionate love
Researchers believe love involves increased levels of what neurotransmitter?
Love causes the arousal of what part of the nervous system?
This part of the nervous system when exposed to love cause increased heart rate, respiration, and perspiration.
Sympathetic nervous system
Proposed a view of love that can give us insight into various aspects. Seen the view of love in 3 dimensions: intimacy, passion, and commitment.
Robert Sternberg
The emotional component of love including feelings of closeness, warmth, openness, and affection
The sexual component of love. It includes attraction, romance, excitement, and physical intensity. Peaks quickly and then decreases to a stable level.
The decision aspect of a relationship. This is the choice that you will stay with your partner through good times and bad, despite the possibility of disappointment and disillusionment. The capacity for this may vanish for this after a breakup until the loss can be overcome.
When a couple has intimacy and passion in their relationship. Low in commitment.
Romantic love
When a couple has intimacy and is committed to the relationship. Low in passion. Seen as a long-term friendship. Such as couples who have been married for years.
Companionate or Compassionate love
When you have all 3 components, of passion, intimacy, and commitment in a relationship. This is the type of relationship that many dream of, but it’s difficult to find and even harder to sustain.
Consummate love
Nonverbal and unspoken message that has meaning behind it. Such as reading between the lines. It encompasses all the conscious and unconscious aspects of a message including the way something is said, who says it, when and where it is said, or even that it is said at all.
Shows that you respect and care for that person. Not interrupting while your spouse is talking during an argument or conversation.
Attentive listening
Speaking up for yourself while still being respectful and without violating someone else’s rights. Negotiating and compromising without giving up something that is important to you.
Believes gender differences in communication patterns have a significant impact on relationships. Suggests that men are more likely to use communication to compete, and women are more likely to use communication to connect.
Deborah Tannen
Refers to a person’s biological STATUS as male or female.
A baby born with ambiguous genitals. This happens due to chromosomes being added or lost or rearranged during production of sperm and ova.
Refers to the behaviors and characteristics considered appropriate for a male or female in culture.
When a gender’s assigned sex is the same as how they identify themselves.
The set of behaviors and activities a person engages in to conform to society’s expectations. Are learned from childhood and become ingrained and difficult to change.
Gender role
Refers to a person who displays characteristics or performs tasks traditionally associated with the other sex and sometimes applied to those who do not show overt characteristics of either sex.
Individuals who experience discomfort or a sense of inappropriateness about their sex.
Gender dysphoria
Individuals who identify with the other sex. Whose gender identity differs from the sex of his or her birth.
the internal sense of feeling of being male or female.
gender identity
Refers to a person’s emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to a member of the same sex, opposite sex, or both.
Sexual orientation
True or False?
Marriage is highest among people with a college education, and their divorce rates are lower.
What is the leading cause of poverty, leaving many children in impoverished homes headed by a single parent who is often the parent with lower income?
Families in which one or both partners bring children from a previous marriage.
Blended families
The dynamic state between separateness and togetherness in both couple and family relationships. There are times when partners and family members spend more time together and other times when they spend more time apart but it’s a balance in making the relationship better.
Dynamic between stability and change. Too much stability can cause rigidity; too much change can cause chaos.
Tool for partners that allow expressions of appreciation, healthy complaining, and recognition of both partners’ levels of sensitivity.
Set of criteria for judging what is good and bad that underlies moral decisions and behaviors.
Couple that lives together prior to marriage. This is a reason for increased rates of marriages.