Chapter 28, Protists Flashcards
Name the four supergroups of eukaryotes
Excavata, SAR clade, Archaeplastida, Unikonta
Which supergroup of eukaryotes are land plants in?
Which supergroup of eukaryotes are animals in?
Supergroup of cytoskeleton
Supergroup of excavated feeding groove
Three subgroups of Excavata
Diplomonads, parabasalids, and euglenozoans
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» no plastids
Diplomonads and parabasalids, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» modified mitochondria
Diplomonads and parabasalids, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» most live in anaerobic environments
Diplomonads and parabasalids, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» two equal-sized nuclei
Diplomonads, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Giardia intestinalis
Diplomonads, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Trichomonas vaginalis
Parabasalids, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» predatory heterotrophs, photosynthesis autotrophs, mixotrophs, and parasites
Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» a spiral or crystalline rod inside their flagella
Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup, and sub-sub-group-» one or two flagella that emerge from a pocket at one end of the cell
Euglenids, Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» free-living species are consumers of prokaryotes in freshwater, marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems
Kinetoplastids, Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» Trypanosoma
Kinetoplastids, Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» Chagas’ disease
Kinetoplastids, Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» evade immune response by switching surface proteins
Kinetoplastids, Euglenozoans, Excavata
(Eukaryotes) Three major clades of the SAR supergroup
Stramenopiles, Alveolates, rhizarians
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» diatoms
Stramenoplies, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» brown algae
Stramenoplies, SAR
Largest and most complex algae
Brown algae
Algae- all are multicellular, most are marine
Brown algae
Three parts of brown algae and their functions
Holdfast (root), Stipe (stem), Blades (leaves)
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Dinoflagellates
Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» two flagella
Dinoflagellates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» cellulose plates
Dinoflagellates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» red tides
Dinoflagellates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» endosymbionts with reefs
Dinoflagellates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Apicomplexans
Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» parasites of humans, some cause serious human diseases
Apicomplexans, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» spread through hosts by sporozoites
Apicomplexans, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» most have sexual and asexual states that require two or more host species for completion
Apicomplexans, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» Plasmodium
Apicomplexans, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Ciliates
Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» large macronuclei and small micronuclei
Ciliates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» genetic variation results from conjuation
Ciliates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» Paramecium
Ciliates, Alveolates, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup and subgroup-» Forams
Rhizarians, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» porous, generally multichanbered shells called tests through which pseudopodia extend
Forams, Rhizarians, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» many have endosymbiotic algae
Forams, Rhizarians, SAR
(Eukaryotes) Supergroup, subgroup and sub-sub-group-» form an extensive fossil record that can be used to estimate changes in ocean temperature
Forams, Rhizarians, SAR
Gave birth to land plants
Green algae
Three subgroups of Archaeplastida
Red algae, green algae, land plants
(Algae) Accessory pigment is phycoerythrin
Red algae
(Algae) Color varies from greenish-red in shallow water to dark red-black in deep water
Red algae
Subgroup of algae-> most live in fresh water, although many are marine
Green algae-> chlorophytes
Subgroup of algae-> live in damp soil, as symbionts in lichens, or in environments exposed to intense visible and ultraviolet radiationq
Green algae-> chlorophytes
Green algae
Green algae
Two clades of unikonta
Amoebozoans and opisthokonts
Once thought to be fungi
slime molds
Two lineages of slime molds
Plasmodial and cellular
Describe the division and feeding of the multicellular plasmodium
Undivided by plasma membranes, contains many diploid nuclei, extends pseudopodia to eat by phagocytosis
Describe the unicellular and multicellular forms of cellular slime molds
Individual feeding or aggregations formed to migrate or form a fruiting body
Describe entamoebas and give their supergroup
Parasites of vertebrates and some invertebrates, Unikonta
How has global warming harmed the growth of photosynthetic protists and phytoplankton?
Warm water prevents the upwelling needed to bring nutrients from the ocean floor