chapter 28-5 Flashcards
What is autism?
Developmental disorder.
ASD’s-Autism spectrum disorders.
1 in every 150 children is diagnosed with autism.
First diagnosis in 1938.
MMR vaccine
Measles, mumps, rubella vaccine.
Recommended infant immunization since 1971.
Administration: Once between 12-18 months and again between 4-6 years old.
Andrew Wakefield
British gastroenterologist who believed he had discovered the cause of Autism in 1998.
Published his findings in the medical journal, The Lancet
Wakefield Inconsistencies
- Small sample.
- Biased sample population.
- Conflicts of interest.
- Incorrect usage of procedures leading to erroneous data.
- Leaky gut theory.
- Not reproducible.
- Multiple epidemiological studies that refute Wakefield’s claim.
The autism epidemic
- MMR vaccination rates decreased dramatically but autism diagnosis continued to rise.
- Increase in diagnosis?
- Other environmental factors?
What about Thimesoral
- Mercury containing preservative (ethyl vs. methyl mercury).
- At peak use close to negligible.
- We get plenty of mercury in breast milk etc.
- Superficial similarities between mercury toxicity and autism.
- High doses of mercury do not cause increased risk of autism.
- Has been largely removed with no reduction.
Allergy, Hypersensitivity and Autoimmunity
Hypersensitivity: Inappropriate immune response that results in host damage.
Hypersensitivity diseases categorized according to antigens and effector mechanisms that produce disease.
Allergy: Immediate hypersensitivity
Caused by vasoactive products from antibody-coated mast cells.
Reactions occur within minutes after exposure to antigen.
Can be mild to life threatening.
~20% of population suffers from allergies.
Immediate hypersensitivity allergens
Pollen and fungal spores. Insect venom. Certain foods. Animal dander. Dust mites.
Delayed type hypersensitivity
Cell mediated characterized by tissue damage due to inflammatory response produced by TH1 cells.
Symptoms appear several hours following secondary exposure to eliciting antigens.
Typical antigens include microbes, self antigens, and chemicals that covalently bind to skin, creating new antigens.