chapter 26 (5) Flashcards
Antiviral Drugs
Most antiviral drugs also target host structures.
Most successful antivirals are the nucleotide analogs.
-Block reverse transcriptase and production of DNA
Non nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors: NNRTI bind directly to RT and inhibit reverse transcription.
Antiviral Drugs: TYPES
Protease inhibitors: inhibit processing of viral proteins.
Fusion inhibitors: prevent viruses from successfully fusing with host.
Interferons: small proteins that prevent viral multiplication.
Antifungal Drugs
Fungi pose special problem for chemotherapy because they are eukaryotic.
- cellular machinery is similar
- many antifungals are topical
- few drugs target unique metabolic processes unique to fungi.
Antifungal Drugs: TYPES
Ergosterol inhibitors: target the unique fungal plasma membrane.
Echinocandins: inhibit glucan synthase.
Antimicrobial drug resistance
The acquired ability of a microorganism to resist the effects of a chemotherapeutic agent to which it is normally sensitive.
- Organism lacks structure the ab inhibits
- organism is impermeable to ab
- organism can inactivate ab
- organism may modify target of ab
- organism may develop a resistant pathway
- organism may be able to pump out ab
Antimicrobial drug resistance: How?
Most drug resistant bacteria contain genes located on R plasmids.
Evidence indicates that R plasmids predate the ab era.
The use of ab in medicine, vets and agriculture selects for the spread of R plasmids.
Antimicrobial drug resistance: Minimizing resistance
Resistance can be minimized by using antibiotics correctly and only when needed.
Resistance to a certain antibiotic can be lost if antibiotic is not used for several years.
The search for new antimicrobial drugs
Increased development of new antimicrobial compounds.
—modification of current compounds.
Automated chemistry methods has sped up drug discovery.
—1 in 7000000 useful.
The search for new antimicrobial drugs: Using technology
Computers can now be used to design molecules to interact with specific microbial structures.
Combination of drugs can be used.