Chapter 25- Chordata Flashcards
What are the 3 groups of Chordata and what animals do they include? What’s another name for tunicate? Lancelet?
- Chordata (all vertebrates)
- Tunicates (-urochordates) free swimming, sessile animals
- Lancelets (- cephalochordates) small, eel like animals
What structural features do chordates possess?
- Notochord (flexible skeletal support embedded in back)
- Hollow nerve chord
- Pharyngeal slits
- Tail
- Cranium
What are the 7 Chordata classes and their members?
- Agnatha-Jawless fish
- Chondrichthyes-cartilaginous fish, sharks, rays
- Osteichthyes-bony fish
- Amphibian- land and water animals
- Reptilia- snakes
- Aves-birds, feathers,
- Mammalian-hair, mammary glands, 3 middle ear bones
Describe the circulatory system of a fish. What are the chamber’s roles?
- Single loop
- Two chambers: atrium and ventricle
- Atrium-collects returning blood and pumps it to ventricle
- Ventricle-pumps it to gills and then rest of body
What are the 5 fish fins? What did jaws evolve from?
- Caudal fins (tail)
- Pectoral
- Pelvic
- Anal
- Dorsal
- They evolved from gill arches
What are the four fish classes and their members?
- Acanthodians- covered in spines-extinct
- Placoderms-heavily armored with bony plates-extinct
- Chondrichthyes-cartilaginous fish
- Osteichthyes- bony fish
What are the two classes of Chondrichthyes fish? What are 3 special adaptations to Chondrichthyes? What is one trait that is unique to bony fish?
- Holocephali-chimeras, ratfish-platelike grinding teeth
- Elasmobranchs-sharks, rays, skates
- Internal fertilization, lateral line, and electroreceptive cells
- The operculum
What trait allowed the evolution of land animals?
Lobed fins
What is a tetrapod? Amphibian? Adaptations to amphibians?
- A vertebrate animals with 4 limbs
- Animals that live both on land and in water
- Shoulders, hips, interlocking projections is spine, tongue, ears, tympanic membrane attached to stapes
What are 3 traits specific to amphibians? Describe the circulatory system?
- Gas exchange between skin, gills, or lungs
- 3 chambered heart with 2 atria and a ventricle
- Eggs have to be laid in moisture
- Pulmonary circuit-blood to skin and lungs: Systemic circuit-oxygenated blood to organs and back to heart
What changes does a tadpole experience in its metamorphosis to a frog?
- Gills to lungs
- Circulatory system is reorganized and blood and formed
- Carnivorous diet
Describe a salamander. Frog. Caecilian
- Do not have lungs, exchange gas through skin and mouth
- Bodies are adapted for jumping
- Legless, burrowing animals, hydrostatic body
What is an amniote? What is keratin? What is an amniotic egg?
- A vertebrate with thin, tough, membranous sac that encloses the embryo or fetus and all have keratin
- A protein that binds to lipids to form a hydrophobic layer, allows for less transpiration
- An egg filled with water that allows amphibians to lay eggs away from water
What is the placenta?
A membranous organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy and carries nutrients from mother to embryo and carries away waste
What animals are considered amniotic?