Chapter 24 - Digestive System Flashcards
Functions of Digestive System
- ingestion - intake of food
- digestion - mechanical and chemical breakdown
- absorption - uptake of nutrients
- compaction - absorption of water, consolidation of indigestible residue
- defecation - elimination of feces
Alimentary Canal
mouth through anus
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
stomach and intestines
Enteric Nervous System
- nervous network exclusive to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines
- submucosal plexus (submucosa) - controls movements of the muscularis mucosae and glandular secretions
- myenteric plexus (between layers of the muscularis externa) - controls peristalsis and other contractions of the muscularis externa
Accessory Organs of the Digestive System
- teeth
- tongue
- salivary glands
- liver
- gall bladder
- pancreas
General Histology
- Mucosa
- Epithelium
- Lamina propria (loose connective tissue)
- Muscularis mucosae (smooth muscle)
- Submucosa (loose connective tissue with vessels and nerves)
- Muscularis Externa (smooth muscle for propulsion and mixing, inner circular layer & outer longitudinal layer)
- Serosa or Adventitia (areolar tissue topped with simple squamous mesothelium)
connective tissue sheets holding abdominal viscera in place
Posterior and Anterior Messenteries
two-layered membrane that may hang freely or connect organs together or to abdominal wall
Lesser Omentum
messentery, extend from lesser curvature of stomach to liver
Greater Omentum
messentery, hangs down like an apron from stomach’s greater curvature
messentery of the colon
- oral (buccal) cavity
- oral fissure to fauces
- cheeks and lips
- labial frenulum - median fold attaching lip to gum
- vestibule - space just inside lips and cheeks
- palate
- hard (bony)
- soft - include uvula
- lingual papillae (vallate, foliate, fungiform)
- body - anterior 2/3
- root - posterior 1/3
- lingual frenulum - attachment to floor of mouth
- “Dentition”
- incisors - chisels
- canines - puncture and shred
- premolars and molars - crush and grind
- 20 deciduous vs. 32 permanent
- embedded in mandible and maxilla
- alveolus - socket
- periodontal ligament
- cementum of root
- gingiva surrounds neck
- internal structures
- dentin
- pulp cavity, root canal (spaces for nerves and vessels)
Salivary Glands
- parotid - near ear
- sumandibular - under jaw
- sublingual - under tongue
- tubuloacinar structure
- mucous and serous cells
- saliva contains:- amylase and lipase
- mucus
- lysozyme
- immunoglobulin A
- electrolytes
Pharynx and Esophagus
- oropharynx and laryngopharynx pass food
- walls contain skeletal muscle
- nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- esophagus is posterior to trachea
- starts behind larynx
- passes through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm
- ends at lower esophageal sphincter located at the cardiac orifice to stomach
- digultation = swallowing, coordinated by swallowing center of medulla
Microscopic Anatomy of the Stomach
- gastric pits of mucous with glands
- mucous cells - mucus
- regenerative cells - new cells
- parietal cells - HCl, intrinsic factor, Ghrelin
- chief cells - pepsinogen, gastric lipase
- enteroendocrine cells - hormones, gastrin
- first 10in. of small intestine
- receives and mixes stomach contents, pancreatic juice, and bile
- major duodenal papilla for bile and pancreatic ducts
- minor duodenal papilla for accessory pancreatic duct
- Brunner’s (duodenal/submucosal) glands with bicarbonate rich mucous
- 8ft. middle portion of small intestines
- mostly within umbilical region
- most digestion and absorption occur here
- circular folds (plicae circulares)
- 13ft distal portion of small intestitnes
- sparse folds, pink color
- Peyer patches - lymphatic nodules
- ileocecal junction, ileocecal valve
Microscopic Anatomy of Small Intestine
- villi
- enterocytes (absorptive cells) have tiny microvilli projections
- goblet cells
- lacteals - lymphatics for lipid absorption
- intestinal crypts - goblet cells and absorptive cells
- Paneth cells - enteroendocrine; secrete lysozyme
Microscopic Anatomy of Large Intestine
- mostly simple columnar, except anus (nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium)
- has intestinal crypts but no villi or circular folds
- abundant lymphatic tissue
- mucosa specialized for fluid and electrolyte absorption
- body’s largest gland
- over 200 functions
- hematological, metabolic, storage, immunity
- digestive function is bile production
- bilirubin - decomposition of hemoglobin
- urobilogen - metabolized bilirubin (feces brown)
- bile acids/lecithin - emulsify fats
Microscopic Anatomy of the Liver
- hepatic lobules - small cylinders w/ central vein, radiating plates of hepatocytes
- hepatic sinusoids - leaky capillaries
- hepatic macrophages - (Kupffer cells) clean blood
- bile canaliculi -> bile ductules -> right/left hepatic ducts
Liver Circulation
- hepatic portal vein - brings nutrient rich blood from veins of GI tract to liver
- hepatic artery
- brings arterial blood to liver
- aorta -> celiac truck -> common hepatic a. -> hepatic artery proper -> hepatic a.
- hepatic veins - exit from top of liver and empty into inferior vena cava
- sac on underside of liver
- stores and concentrates bile
- fundus (head), cervix (neck)
- cystic duct
Bile Passages
- two hepatic ducts merge -> common hepatic duct
- common hepatic duct + cystic duct (from gallbladder) -> bile duct
- bile duct + pancreatic duct -> hepatopancreatic ampulla at major duodenal papilla
- retroperitoneal - posterior to stomach
- head (near duodenum), tail (near spleen)
- endocrine islets secrete insulin and glucagon
- mostly exocrine tissue secreting pancreatic juice
- enzymes, zymogens (inactive precursors of enzymes), sodium bicarbonate, water, and electrolytes
- branching ducts
- pancreatic duct
- accessory pancreatic duct - opens at minor duodenal papilla
- acinar cells (exocrine)