Chapter 23: population evolution Flashcards
change in allele frequencies in a population over generations
average heterozygosity
average percentage of heterozygous loci
geographic variation
differences in genetic composition of separate populations
graded change in character along a geographic axis
gene pool
all copies of every allele at every locus in all members of a population
fixed allele
when only one allele exists for a certain locus in a population
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
frequencies of alleles and genotypes will remain constant in a population where only Mendelian segregation and recombination of alleles are at work
Hardy-Weinberg equation
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- no mutations
- random mating
- no natural selection
- large population size
- no gene flow
adaptive evolution
evolution that results in better match between organisms and their environment
genetic drift
process where allele frequencies fluctuate in generations
founder effect
a few individuals become isolated from a larger group and their gene pool differs from source population
bottleneck effect
severe drop in population size; certain alleles overexpressed in survivors
effects of genetic drift
- significant in small populations
- cause allele frequencies to change randomly
- loss of genetic variation in populations
- harmful alleles can become fixed
gene flow
transfer of alleles into or out of population
relative fitness
contribution individual makes to gene pool of next generation relative to other individuals
directional selection
conditions favor one extreme phenotype
disruptive selection
favor phenotypes at both extreme ends
stabilizing selection
favors intermediate variatns
sexual selection
individuals with certain inherited characteristics more likely to reproduce
sexual dimorphisms
differences between sexes and secondary sexual characteristics
intrasexual selection
same sex individuals compete for mate
intersexual selection
mate choice. one sex is choosy in selecting mates of the other sex
neutral variation
differences in DNA that do not offer selective advantage or disadvantage
balancing selection
natural selection maintains 2+ forms in a population
heterozygote advantage
heterozygous individuals of a locus have greater fitness than homozygotes
frequency-dependent selection
fitness of phenotype depends on how common it is in population