Chapter 2.3 - Changes to living and working conditions of rural and urban people Flashcards
Chapter 2.3
chapter 2.3
Urban Housing: Nicholas II
What % of Russians lived in towns and cities by the 20th century?
What % of people in Britain and America lived in towns and cities at this time?
Britain - 80%
USA - 40%
How many cities had more than 100,000 inhabitants?
19 cities
When was the first census carried out?
What cities’ populations doubled from 1897 to 1914?
Riga and Kiev
By the start of WW1, how many towns had access to electricity, gas, piped water and a sewage system respectively?
Electricity - 74
Gas - 35
Piped water - 200
Sewage system - 38
How many people were killed in a cholera outbreak in St Petersburg in 1910?
In a survey of 12,000 St Petersburg in 1910, what % of them drank heavily?
When was a sewerage system introduced in St Petersburg?
Urban Housing: Lenin
What did the Decree on Peace in 1917 do in regards to land and property?
The Decree on Peace banned private property and gave control to the Soviets over land distribution
Urban Housing: Stalin
What of the Moscow population in the mid-1930s live in one room shared by two or more households?
What % of people in Moscow lived in communal dormitories?
What % of people in Moscow lived in a bathroom, kitchen, corridor or hallway?
What was the average living space in 1905 and 1935?
1905 - 8.5m^2
1935 - 5.8m^2
What was the Stalinist policy on urban housing?
To allocate space rather than rooms to individuals and families
Why were most social projects put on hold?
To focus on achieving the aims of the Five-Year plans
How many Russians became homeless as a result of WW2?
25 million
Khrushchev: Urban housing
What did Khrushchev launch?
A huge housing programme
How much did the housing stock increase from 1955 to 1964?
The housing stock doubled
What housing principle was abandoned under Khrushchev?
Communal living
How many people moved to new apartments?
108 million
What did Khrushchev increase the average apartment size to?
30 metres squared
Food and Famine: Alexander II
What was Alexander II worried about?
That there would be widespread social unrest if food shortages continued
Who was placed in charge of drawing up emergency measures to deal with famines in 1864?
The Zemstva
Food and Famine: Alexander III
How many people died in the 1891 famine?
Who was A3’s finance minister at the time of the famine?
What had finance minister Vyshnergradsky done which helped cause the famine?
He had raised tax on consumer goods - led to people selling off surpluses of grain to cope with inflated prices