Chapter 22: Immunity and Lymphatic System Flashcards
Fluid that is of the same composition as interstitual fluid.
Formed by capillary filtration.
Lymphatic vessels that resemble veins, but have _______ walls and _____ valves.
Thinner, more
Lymphatic _________ are located all throughout the body except avasucular tissue.
Its structure permits the fluid to enter, but not leave.
Lymphatic capillaries associated with the small intestine are called ________.
Lymph _____ filter lymph and contains macrophages and lymphocytes.
Lymph nodes enter through _______ capillaries and exit through ______ vessels.
afferent, efferent
Vessels leaving chain of nodes unite to form a lymphatic ________.
Maturation site for T-cells.
Produces hormones necessary for production of
Primary lymphatic organ.
Largest mass of lymphatic tissue, contains white pulp and red pulp.
Lymphatic tissue not surrounded by a capsule and is associated with mucosal membranes are lymph _______.
What are the 3 types of lymphocytes?
B cells, T cells, and NK cells
Type of lymphocyte that is thymus dependent and is the most common.
Type of lymphocyte that is bone-marrow derived, differentiate into plasma cells, and produce antibodies.
Type of lymphocyte that are large granular cells that attack foreign cells.
NK cells
First line of defense for innate (nonspecific) response.
(perspiration, saliva, gastric juice} include:
Mechanical and ________ barriers.
__________ and muscosal membranes.
_____ secretions.
Mechanical & chemical barriers.
Epidermis & mucosal membranes.
Body secretions.
Structure of lymph nodes include (5):
Capsule, trabeculae, suscapular space, cortex, and medulla
Phagocytes, NK cells, interferons, complement system, inflammation, and fever are part of what line of defense?
Second line of defense
4 steps for phagocytes to eat cells.
Chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion & killing
Helps trigger neighboring cells to increase security.
The attraction of phagocytic cells to the source of abnormal chemicals in tissue fluids.
Cytokines that produce antiviral proteins and stimulate NK cells and macrophage activity.
A series of proteins always there waiting to help antibodies.
Complement system
Defense response to cellular/tissue damage.
First stage of Inflammatory response? Includes redness and swelling.
Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
Histamines, heparin, and prostaglandins are part of the first stage of ____________.
First stage of inflammation
Second stage of inflammatory response includes emigration of _________.
Emigration of phagocytes
Collection of dead neutrophils and monocytes from the second stage cause what?
Third stage of inflammatory response includes _______ repair and formation of scar tissue by __________.
Tissue, fibroblasts
Elevated body temperature that intensifies action of interferons. Resetting of hypothalamic thermostat.(pyrogens)
The constant monitoring of normal tissues by NK cells is ____________ surveillance.
Immunological surveillance.
Ability of the body to defend itself against a specific foreign invader. Requires exposure to antigens.
Specific responce: adaptive immunity
What brings about cell-mediated immunity?
What provides antibody-mediated immunity?
Defends against abnormal cells and pathogens inside cells.
Cell-mediated immunity
Defends against anitgens and pathogens in body fluids.
Antibody-mediated immunity
T-cells that stimulate the response of both T-cells and B-cells.(coordinators)
Helper T-cells`
T-cells that enter peripheral tissues and directly attack antigens physically and chemically.
Cytotoxic T-cells
T-cells that respond to antigens they have already encountered by cloning more lymphocytes to ward off the invader.
Memory T-cells
What must happen before an immune response can begin?
T-cells must be activated by exposure to an _______.
T-cells must be activated by exposure to an antigen.
Antigens must be combined with cell proteins to be recognized by _-cells.
Glycoproteins on cell surface are ___ proteins.
MHC proteins
These are in all nucleated cells.
Pick up small peptides from the surrounding cytoplasm and carry them to the cell surface:
Class _ MHC proteins
Class I MHC proteins
Present only in the plasma membranes of antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes:
Class _ MHC proteins
Class II MHC proteins
Cluster of differentiation
CD cells
All _-cells have a CD3 receptor complex.
___ markers are found in cytotoxic T-cells and respond to antigens presented by class I MHC proteins.
___ markers are found on helper T-cells and respond to antigens presented by class II MHC proteins.
The process of T-cells binding to the stimulating cell at a second site and confirming the initial activation signal.
Forms when an antibody molecule binds to its corresponding antigen molecule.
Antigen-antibody comples
7 ways the formation of an antigen-antibody complex may cause the elimination of the antigen:
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Precipitation and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Activation of the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ system. Attraction of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Opsonizaton Stimulation of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of adhesion.
Neutralization Agglutination Complement system Phagocytes Opsonization Inflammation Prevention
Lymph ducts return lymph to blood at ____ ____.
vena cava
2 T-cells known as regulatory T-cells.
Helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells
As they mature B-cells and __ cells enter bloodstream and migate to peripheral tissues.
Most mature B-cells move into lymph _____, the _______, and other lyphid tissues.
nodes, spleen
___ cells patrol the body, moving through peripheral tissues in search of abnormal cells.
The mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) is a collection of lymphoid tissue that protect the _________ of the digestive, _________, urinary, and ____________ systems.
Examples of MALT are the appendix and _______.
T-cells in the cortex of the thymic _______are actively dividing.
As they mature the migrate into the _______.
Functions of the spleen include:
Removing ________ cells and other blood components by phagocytosis.
Storing _____ recycled from RBCs.
Initiating immune responses from B-cells and T-cells in response to _______ in circulating blood.
Outer cortex of lymph nodes include masses of B-cells called lymphatic _______.
B-cells can proliferate and become _______producing cells or memory B-cells.
This happens in the _____ cortex of lymph nodes.
The inner cortex of lymph nodes is where _-cells can proliferate and leave lymph nodes.
The _______ of lymph nodes includes a mass of B-cells from outer corex and can produce and release antibodies.
________ defenses do not distinguiush one type of threat from another.
They are present at birth.
Innate (non-specific) Defense
Class of phagocytic cells that include neutrophils and eosinophils that normally circulate the blood.
They leave the bloodstream and enter peripheral tissues that are injured or infected.
Class of phagocytic cells that have fixed and free types.
NK cells detect cells containing abnormal antigens.
They do this by realigning their golgi apparatus with the target cell and releases _______ which disintegrates the cell.
Type of adaptive immunity that develops after an exposure to an antigen.
The body then makes its own anitbody for that antigen.
Example: Vaccines
Active Immunity
Type of adaptive immunity that is produced by transferring antibodies from another source.
Example: Baby receiving antibodies from mother or getting a shot of antibodies after being bit by rabies animal.
Passive Immunity
Cytotoxic T-cells enter peripheral tissues and directly attack antigens physically and __________.
_______ T-cells respond to antigens they have already encountered by cloning more lymphocytes to ward off invade.
Helper T-cells stimulate the responces of both T-cells and _-cells.
_________ T-cells inhibit T-cell and B-cell activities and moderate the immune respance