Chapter 22-23 Flashcards
What are the guidelines for generally good health?
- eat a balanced diet
- practise good personal hygiene
- take regular exercise
- get sufficient rest and sleep
- don’t smoke or abuse drugs or alcohol
- develop a positive attitude
- visit the doctor regularly
- develop hobbies
What are guidelines for good mental health?
- have a good balance between work and relaxation
- spend time with people whose company you enjoy
- are regular exercise
- talk about your worries to someone you can trust
- make the most of your talents
- seek help for problems if necessary
What are precautions against disease?
- babies and children need to be screened regularly to identify problems concerning their development
- vaccinations are important before going to a new country
- women need breast and cervical examinations and men need to be tested for testicular cancer
- both men and women need their cholesterol levels checked
What is aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise is exercise that makes you breathe faster and your heart and lungs work harder for example running, swimming
What are the benefits of regular exercise?
- reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
- reduces stress
- way of socialising
- helps you to sleep better
- helps maintain a healthy weight
- helps to control blood pressure
What are guidelines to reduce stress?
- become aware of the sources of stress in your life
- relax daily
- take regular service
- balance your diet
- express your feelings
- discuss what is stressing you out with someone you trust
What are the benefits of adequate sleep>
- we feel better
- we look better
- we have better concentration levels
- it improves our mood
What is the importance of leisure?
- reduces stress
- allows you to learn new skills
- allows you to socialise
- reduces boredom
Why do some people smoke>
- peer pressure
- curiosity
- image
- unaware of health risks
What is an addiction?
An uncontrollable craving for something
What are the harmful effects of smoking?
- lung cancer
- breathing difficulties: caused by tar
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- emphysema:respiratory disease
- damage to unborn babies: can also cause miscarriages and stillborn babies
What is passive smoking?
Passive smoking occurs when non-smokers inhale the smoke from a nearby smoker
WHat are the steps taken to reduce smoking in Ireland?
- it is illegal to sell cigarettes to people under 18 years old
- it is illegal to smoke at a workplace
- advertising of cigarettes have been banned
- ten pack cigarettes no longer sold
- high taxes on cigarettes
Why do young people abuse alcohol?
- alcohol gives them more confidence
- peer pressure
- availability of alcohol encourages people to abuse it
- curiosity
- some people feel it helps them to relax and teenagers are stressed because of exams
What are the short-term effects of drinking?
- a person cannot think clearly and may take risks e.g drunk driving or sexual assault
- co-ordination and judgement are lost
- people lose self-control and make start fights
- very heavy drinking can cause unconsciousness and even death