Chapter 21-Variety in the World of Invertebrates Flashcards
What are the three distinguishing features of the mollusks?
Visceral hump
What is the distinguishing feature of the mollusk that is used for locomotion?
What is the distinguishing feature of the mollusk that contains the internal organs?
Visceral hump
Why is the distinguishing feature of the mollusk that is a skinlike organ which covers the visceral hump and, in most species, produces a calcium carbonate shell for protection?
What are the most familiar classes of the mollusks?
What is one of the most familiar classes of mollusks, is also called univalves, are the stomach-footed mollusks, and examples would be the snail, slug, and whelk?
What is one of the most familiar classes of mollusks, are the two-shelled mollusks, and some examples would be the clam, mussel, oyster, and scallop?
What is one of the most familiar classes of mollusks, are the head-footed mollusks, and some examples would be the squid, octopus, cuttlefish, and chambered nautilus?
If an irritating foreign substance becomes lodged in the mantle of a bivalve, the animal secretes thin sheets of nacre around the foreign object. The sheets of nacre build up around the irritant and eventually form a:
What is the largest group of water animals on earth which include soft-bodied, boneless creatures as clams, oysters, slugs, squids etc., and are distinguished by a foot, visceral hump, and a mantle?
The two shells of a bivalve are connected by hinges that look like small teeth and are held together by two very strong:
Adductor muscles
One of the most critical activities for a bivalve is a movement of water into and out of its _________________, the open chamber in which the gills are located.
Mantle cavity
What takes water into the mantle cavity to the gills, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged?
Incurrent siphon
The incurrent siphon takes water into the mantle cavity to the gills, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. Most of this water then passes out through the:
Excurrent siphon
What are gastropods often called because most of them have a single shell?
What is the gastropod that looks like a snail without a shell?
What are the marine slugs that are noted for their brilliant colors and elaborate plume like gills extending from their sides and back?
The mouth of a univalve contains a _____________, a rough, file-like organ that scrapes food and carries it like a conveyor belt into the digestive tract.
What are some examples of head-foot mollusks called cephalopods?
What are the spiny-skinned invertebrates, examples being starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, and brittle stars?
Echinoderms are the only animals with a ________________, a complex system of water-filled tubes that extends throughout the body.
Water-vascular system
What are the arms of the starfish which extend from a central disk like spokes in a wheel called?
On the underside of each ray of the starfish are two double rows of _______________, which are used for holding onto things, moving, and opening shells of clams and oysters.
Tube feet
What is the largest invertebrate?
Giant squid
What are perhaps the smallest multicellular animals that are the microscopic invertebrates found in freshwater lakes and ponds?
Some of the female rotifer’s eggs are _______________, which means they require no fertilization.
What are the hollow-intestined invertebrates, and examples include jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, and hydras?
What are the stinging cells that the coelenterates possess?
What is a cylindrical body type of a coelenterates which is sessile and has a mouth facing upward, and examples of this form are hydras, sea anemones, and corals?
What is a free-swimming, umbrella-shaped body type which has its mouth facing downward, an example would be an adult jellyfish?
Because millions of corals live together in colonies, the limestone cups eventually form vast limestone structures called:
Coral reefs
What are the only multicellular animals which do not have at least a rudimentary nervous system?
Water and waste materials flow out of the sponge through the osculum; an opening of this type through which water leaves an organism is called an:
Excurrent pore
Water enters the sponge through very small pores, or ______________, which are located in the sides of the animal.
Incurrent pores
The inner layer of cells, which line the body cavity, are called ____________ in the sponge because of their unusual shape.
Collar cells
Situated within the mesoglea of the sponge are special cells which manufacture ______________, the crystalline support structures of the sponge.
What kind of worms include earthworms, sea worms, and leeches, and have cylindrical bodies which are divided into many consecutive ringlike segments?
Segmented worms
Earthworms have four pairs of __________, or bristles, on each body segment. The worm can extend or retract these structures as necessary, and can regenerate lost ones.
What are examples of the segmented worms?
Sea worms
The earthworm has ten “hearts” or __________________, arranged in five pairs near the earthworm’s head.
Aortic arches
What are the coiled excretory tubes which are open at both ends and which function like tiny kidneys, and eliminate liquid wastes from the earthworm’s body?
All sea worms have a pair of fleshy lobes called _______________ on each body segment, and assist in movement and in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
What are the wormlike animals with flattened bodies?
Each planarian (free-living flatworm) has two light-sensitive ________________, which are responsible for the planarian’s nickname, “the cross-eyed worm.”
What is the most familiar type of fluke that has a typical life cycle, lives in the liver and then the gallbladder of a sheep, and releases its eggs from the gallbladder into the intestine?
Sheepliver fluke
What is the liver disease prevalent in certain areas of nations in southeast Asia, and occurs when a certain liver fluke moves to a crab or fish and when seafoods are eaten raw or undercooked, as they often are in Asian countries, the fluke matures in the human liver?
What kind of worms are nonsegmented animals which have low and slender bodies covered by a thin cuticle, and some examples being a filaria worm, hookworm, trichina worm, and ascaris worm?
What are some examples of the roundworm?
Filaria worm
Trichina worm
Ascaris worm
The filaria worm inhabits the vessels of the lymphatic system and produces a serious condition called _____________, in which the worms block the lymph vessels, causing tremendous swelling of the legs and other extremities.
What is the disease caused by a parasitic roundworm, and humans become infected with it usually through eating poorly cooked pork that is infested with roundworm’s cysts?
What are the tiny animal-like creatures composed of a single cell, and most of these creatures are microscopic?
What are the four major groups of protozoa?
A euglena, which is a flagellate, does not have a cell wall like a plant, but it’s long and somewhat cylindrical body is covered by a thickened membrane called a ________________, which acts as a cell wall.
A euglena, which is a flagellate, moves freely about by means of its __________________, a whiplike filament which is located on its anterior end.
The euglena has a method of movement which is found in no other organism, when the body itself changes shape, and the posterior end is drawn forward, giving the body a rounded shape, and the anterior end is stretched forward, moving the organism and returning it to its original shape?
Euglenoid movement
What asexual method of reproduction do euglenas chiefly reproduce by?
Binary fission
Trypanosoma is a parasitic flagellate which is transmitted to humans by bites from the:
Tsetse fly
Trypanosoma is a parasitic flagellate which is transmitted to humans by bites from the tsetse fly, and the disease which it causes is:
African sleeping sickness
What is perhaps the most common of the sarcodines?
To move, an amoeba, which is a sarcodine, continually pushes out fingerlike projections of its cell membrane called _________________, or “false feet,” which give the organism an ever-changing, irregular body outline, and are used for locomotion and for ingesting food particles.
One harmful species of amoebas, which are sarcodines, causes a sickness known as ___________________, which is common in areas of the world where unsanitary conditions prevail. And these amoebas feed on the wall of the human intestine and also ingest red blood cells, causing bleeding ulcers.
Amoebic dysentery
What produce shells made of calcium carbonate, and large masses of these protozoans may be compressed together under certain conditions to form chalk or other types of limestone?
What are protozoa that secrete intricate shells made of silica?
What is the genus that is part of the Ciliate?
Members of the genus Paramecium, which is a Ciliate, can be distinguished by their unique slipper shape and the ______________ (hairlike projections) which cover them on all sides.
A paramecium, which is a ciliate, possesses a _________________, (large nucleus) which controls the basic activities of the organism.
A paramecium, which is a ciliate, possesses a ________________, (small nucleus) and functions in reproduction.
Embedded in the cortex of the paramecium, which is a ciliate,are ________________, which are dartlike structures which the paramecium shoots out when it is attacked or (sometimes) when it is feeding.
What is the the mouth cavity of the paramecium, which is a ciliate, called, and resembles a funnel?
Oral groove
In the paramecium, which is a ciliate, undigested food particles are released at the ________________, this is difficult to see because it is closed except when in use.
Anal pore
Paramecia, which are ciliates, reproduce in two ways: by fission and by ________________, when two paramecia exchange nuclear materials.
What are the spore-forming protozoa that are almost all parasites requiring two hosts, and these organisms are responsible for several disease and are transmitted from one host to another by mosquitoes, ticks, and flies?
What is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world caused by sporozoans, and infects an estimated 300 million people each year and causes 1.5 million deaths, and is caused by sporozoa of the genus Plasmodium and us transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito?
What is the name for the segmented worms?
What is the name for the flatworms?
What is the name for the roundworms?