Chapter 19-Fish Flashcards
What is the division of fish whose skeletons are made either partially or wholly of bone?
Bony fish
What are the three main body regions of the fish?
What is the body region of the fish that extends from the mouth to the back of the gill covers?
What is the body region of the fish that is the portion extending from the back of the gill covers to the urogenital opening?
What is the division of fish whose skeletons are made of cartilage?
What is the body region of the fish that is the portion extending from the rear of the trunk to the base of the take fin?
Ordinarily, the gills of fish are not visible because they are concealed beneath large, fat gill covers known as ________________ located at the back of the head on each side, and help protect the delicate gill structures beneath from being damaged.
Opercula, sing. Operculum
The most prominent features of the trunk and tail are the fish’s ___________, which in most bony fins is composed of a thin web of connective tissue spread over a fan-shaped skeleton of thin rods made of bone or cartilage.
What type of paired fins do bony fish have that are located just behind the head on each side of the body?
Pectoral fins
What type of paired fins do bony fish have that are located to the rear of the pectoral fins and lower trunk?
Pelvic fins
What are the two sets of paired fins?
Pectoral fins
Pelvic fins
What are the three types of median fins?
Dorsal fin
Anal fin
Caudal fin
What type of median fin projects Howard from the fish’s back, and works to stabilize the fish when it is in motion?
Dorsal fin
What type of median fin projects downward from the rear of the fish’s trunk, and works to stabilize the fish when it is in motion?
Anal fin
What type of median fin projects from the fish’s take, and serves as a fish’s propeller and rudder?
Caudal fin
Most bony fish have a protective covering of small, bony plates called ________________ located just beneath the epidermis, in the dermis region if the skin.
Fish’s skeletal muscles are arranged in W-shaped bands called _____________, which can be see clearly on a skinned fish, and each one is controlled by a separate nerve, allowing the fish to move its body in a wavelike, undulating motion.
What are scientists who study fish called?
What are the special organs of a fish that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass between the water and fish’s blood?
Each gill consists of a curved arch of cartilage called the:
Gill arch
Each gill consists of a gill arch, from which branch two rows of long, narrow:
Gill filaments
Beneath each operculum is a large ____________, that opens into the fish’s pharynx (throat).
Gill chamber
The gills are protected by ________________, vanelike projections from the front of each gill arch that strain food particles and other debris out of the water, preventing the gills from becoming fouled by these sediments.
Gill rakers
How many chambers does a fish’s heart have?
Two-chambered heart
A fish’s mouth, or ____________, is the beginning of the fish’s digestive system.
Oral cavity
The jaws of a fish are often lined with various types of ____________ that are designed to suit the fish’s diet.
The oral cavity opens into the fish’s ___________, or throat, which is separated from the gill cavities by a screen of gill rakers on each side of it.
At the rear of the pharynx is the opening of the ________________, a short, straight tube that leads to the stomach.
Digested food exits the rear of the stomach through a pyloric sphincter that leads to the fish’s:
Solid wastes and indigestible materials are excreted from the fish through the ___________, an opening located on the fish’s underside near the anal fin.
A fish senses faint vibrations and pressure changes in the water by means of its ________________, a system of special nerve endings that extends over its head and the sides of its body.
Lateral line
In both sexes of fish, sex cells are released through _______________, located slightly to the rear of the anus.
Urogenital opening
What term refers to a fish laying its eggs?
What us the term that refers to a fish’s eggs?
When the female lays the eggs, the make releases a fluid called _____________ into the water through his urogenital opening, and contains large numbers of sorry cells.
What is the hollow, gas-filled chamber located high in the fish’s body cavity, that allows a fish to adjust its buoyancy so that it can remain stationary at a fixed depth without having to tread water?
Swim bladder
A fish’s swim bladder is filled with gases (usually oxygen) by a special _______________ in the wall of the bladder, which extracts oxygen or other from the fish’s blood and uses the gas to inflate the swim bladder.
Gas gland
What group of fish make the most dramatic spawning runs, includes the chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, and several others, and most species of this group make one spawning run when they are several years old and die after they spawn?
Pacific salmon
What division of fish have skeletons made of cartilage?
Cartilaginous fish
What are the two classes of cartilaginous fish?
Sharks, rays, and chimaeras
Lampreys and hagfish
What type of fish include nearly 30 species of unusual cartilaginous fish that live near the ocean bottom, are medium-sized fish with huge eyes and a long, slender, pointed tail?
What are the two types of fish that are cartilaginous, have slimy, scaleless bodies that resemble eels, and lack jaws?