Chapter 20 Flashcards
List three functions of the respiratory system
Serve as an air filter, cleaning the inhaled air
Supply oxygen to blood
Remove carbon dioxide from the cells
Produce the sounds associated with speech
List six normal changes of the respiratory symptom
Lung strength decrease
Air sacs become less elastic and decrease in number
Airways become stiff and less elastic
Lung capacity decreases
Chest muscles become weaker
Cough reflex becomes less effective and cough becomes weaker
Oxygen in the blood decreases
Decreased lung capacity causes voice to weaken
Why might a person with COPD be anxious?
COPD causes difficulty breathing. They may fear suffocation.
What is the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease?
Someone with latent TB infection carries the disease but does not show symptoms and cannot infect others
A person with TB disease shows symptoms of the disease and can spread TB to others
Why is it important for a resident to take all prescribes medication if he has TB?
If someone doesn’t take TB then they may develop multi-drug resident TB
What conditions can require a resident to perform deep breathing exercises?
People with pneumonia
Residents who have had surgery
Other diseases that cause difficulty breathing
The process of inhaling and exhaling is referred to as…
Which of the following is one of the duties of a nursing assistant with regard to oxygen therapy?
The nursing assistant performs skin care on the areas of the face where the oxygen device rests
What time of day is best to collect a sputum specimen?
Early morning
Tiny, grape-like sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs
A chronic and episodic inflammatory disease that makes it difficult to breathe and causes coughing and wheezing
Branches of the passages of the respiratory system that lead from the trachea into the lungs
A condition in which the bronchi become permanently dilated and damaged
An irritation and inflammation of the lining of the bronchi
Chest percussion
Clapping the chest to help lungs drain with the force of gravity
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
A chronic , progressive, and incurable lung disease that causes difficulty breathing
A chronic, incurable lung disease in which the alveoli in lungs become filled with trapped air; usually results from smoking and chronic bronchitis
The process of exhaling air out of the lungs
The coughing up of blood from the respiratory tract
The process of breathing air into the lungs
Main organs of respiration responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Multidrug-resistant TB
Form of tuberculosis that is caused by an organism that is resistant to medication that is used to treat TB
Oxygen therapy
The administration of oxygen to increase the supply of oxygen to the lungs
Acute inflammation in the lung tissue caused by a bacterial, Iraq, or fungal infection or chemical irritants
The process of inhaling sir into the lungs and exhaling air out of the lungs
Mucus coughed up from the lungs
An air passage that goes from the throat to the bronchi; also called windpipe
A contagious disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is transmitted through the air; usually affects the lungs, but other parts can also be affected, such as the spine, brain, and kidney
What is the respiratory system composed of?
Nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea,bronchi, lungs, alveoli
Describe the respiratory process
Air comes in through the nose and moves through the nasal cavity. Little hairs in the nose, called cilia, filter particles such as bacteria, dust, and pollen from the air. The air moves down into the pharynx and then to the larynx. From the larynx the air travels through the trachea, and then it is transferred to the lungs.
Symptoms of TB
Prolonged coughing Coughing of blood Shortness of breath Dyspnea Chest pain Slight fever and chills Night sweats Loss of appetite Weight loss fatigue
Compressed oxygen comes in what?
Large cylinders or smaller portable cylinders which do not require electricity
Where is liquid oxygen stored?
Special reservoirs, special containers
What is a nasal cannula
Two sets of prongs which are placed into the nostrils, and a plastic tube that fits behind the ears. Simplest oxygen delivery device. It is a low-flow oxygen delivery system.
What is a simple face mask?
A plastic device that fits over the nose, and is held in place by an elastic band over the head and above the ears.
What is an oxygen concentrator?
A device that filters oxygen from normal room air. Generally used with a nasal cannula.
Before a nursing assistant takes a sputum specimen she should…
Let the resident rinse their mouth with water, remove excess food, and saliva.
What is an incentive spirometer, and what does it do?
A breathing device that encourages the resident to take long, slow, deep breaths. Regular use can help to open up the airway.