Chapter 2: Theories Flashcards
Average or usual event, or experience.
Psychoanalytic Theory
Inner drives, and deep motives rooted in childhood.
Theory studying human development looking at observable behavior. Also the laws at which behavior is learned.
Process by which responses link to particular stimuli.
Classical Conditioning
Child learning to put a neutral stimulus with a meaningful stimulus, responding to the neutral stimulus normally.
Operant Conditioning
When children act and then something follows that action.
When a behavior is followed by something desired.
Social Learning Theory
Humans sometimes learn without personal reinforcement. Which often occurs through MODELING.
When people copy what they see others do.
Cognitive Theory
Thoughts and expectations affect attitudes, beliefs, values, and actions.
Cognitive Equilibrium
State of mental balance. Existing thought to understand current thoughts.
Reinterpretation of new experiences to fit into old ideas.
Restructuring of old ideas to include new experiences.
Information-Processing Theory
Perspective comparing human thinking processes with the input, output, and memory of a computer.
Sociocultural Theory
Human development results from interaction between developing persons and society.
Apprenticeship in Thinking
Vygotsky’s term for how cognition is stimulated in people by more skilled members of society.
Guided Participation
How people learn from others who guide their experiences. This is direct and interactive.
Zone of Proximal Development
Imaginary area surrounding the child containing skills, knowledge, and concepts that the learner is close to acquiring but cannot master without help.
No matter who you are and what position you hold, every human must have the same basic needs. This was brought by Abraham Maslow.
Selective Adaptation
Humans today react in ways that helped promote human survival and reproduction long ago.
Developmental Theory
Understanding why people change as they grow over time.