Chapter 2 – Cells Vocabulary Flashcards
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
The major source of energy for all chemical reactions of the body
Active transport
A method used to move compounds across a cell membrane to create or maintain an imbalance of charges, usually against a concentration gradient and requiring the expenditure of energy
Adipose (fat) tissue
A type of connective tissue that contains large amounts of fat
Antecubital fossa
The anterior surface of the bend of the Elbow
Anterior triangle
The area of the neck that is bordered by the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the anterior midline of the neck, and the inferior border of the mandible
Appendicular region
A division of the skeletal system that includes the extremities and their attachments to the body
Axial region
A division of the skeletal system that includes the head, neck, and trunk
The armpit
Components of the nerves that conduct impulses to adjacent cells
Basement membrane
The noncellular layer in an epithelial cell the anchors the overlying epithelial tissue
Body cavities
Hollow areas within the body that contain organs and organ systems
Cardiac muscle tissue
Striated involuntary muscle that has the capacity to generate and conduct electrical impulses
Carotid triangle
Area of the anterior triangle of the neck that contains the carotid artery and internal jugular vein
Cell membrane
The cell wall; a selectively permeable layer of cells that surrounds intracellular content and controls movement of substances into and out of the cell
The basic building blocks of life, made up of protoplasm (cytoplasm); specialized for particular functions
Organelles that are essential in cell division
Columnar epithelium
Rolls of tall, thin epithelial cells
Structures containing DNA within the cells nucleus; human cells containing 23 pairs
The hair like microtubule projecting on the surface of a cell that can move materials over the cell surface
Concentration gradient
The natural tendency for substance to flow from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, within or outside the cell
Cranial cavity
The hollow portion of the skull
Shrinkage of a cell that result when to much water leaves the cell through osmosis
Cuboidal epithelium
Rows of square shaped epithelial cells
The gel like material inside a cell. It makes up most of the cells volume, and suspends the cells organelles; also called protoplasm
The clear liquid portion of the cytoplasm
Components of the neuron that receives impulses from the axon and contain vesicles for release of neurotransmitters
Deoxyribosenucleic acid (DNA)
The genetic material found on the chromosomes in the cells nucleus
A process where molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Disturbances in cardiac rhythm
Salt or acid is substances that become ionic conductors when dissolved in a solvent (water); chemicals dissolved in the blood
negatively charged particles that revolve around the nucleus of an atom
The uptake of material through the cell membrane by a membrane-bound droplet or vesicle formed within the cells protoplasm
Endoplasmic reticulum
A series of membranes in which proteins and fats are manufactured
The release of secretions from cells that have been accumulated in vesicles
Substances located outside of the cell membrane
Extracellular fluid (ECF)
Fluid outside of the cell, in which most of the bodies supply of sodium is contained
Facilitated diffusion
The process whereby a carrier molecule move substances in or out of the cell from areas of high or too low or concentration
Tail-like microtubule structures capable of motion to propel the cell
Areas in the infants skull where the sutures between the skull bones have not yet closed
Bony structures that attach the limbs to the body (hip and shoulder)
Golgi apparatus
A set of membranes in the protoplasm involved in the formation of sugars and complex proteins
An abnormal cumulation of bloody fluid within the plural space following trauma
A excessive amount of potassium in the blood
A serum sodium level of greater then 145 mEq/L
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma (HHNC)
A diabetic emergency that occurs from a relative insulin deficiency, resulting in hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity, and an absence of significant ketosis
Abnormally low blood glucose levels
A low concentration of potassium in the blood
A serum sodium level that is less then 135 mEq/L
A dangerous condition in which the supply of oxygen to the tissues is reduced
Skin, the covering of the body surface
Substances, such as organelles, that are found inside the cell membrane
Ion channels
Proteins – lined pours or transport channels, specifically size for each substance, which allow electrolyte movement among the cell
Intracellular fluid (ICF)
Fluid within cells in which most of the bodies supply of potassium is contained
The process of disintegration or breakdown of cells that occur when excess water enters the cell through osmosis
Membrane – bound vesicles that contain a variety of enzymes functioning as a cells digestive system
The space between the lungs, in the center of the chest, that contains the heart, trachea, mainstem bronchi, part of the esophagus , and large blood vessels
A specialized form of cell division that results in the production of mature sperm and ova
Hollow filamentous structures that make up various components of the cell
Small, rod like organelles that function as metabolic center of the cell and produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
The division of chromosomes in a cell nucleus
Nervous tissue
Neurons and neuroglia
Collectively, the name for the collective and supporting tissues of the nervous tissue
The main functional unit of the nervous system
Uncharged or “neutral” particles in the nucleus of an atom
Smooth muscle tissue
Nuclear envelope
The membrane that surrounds the nucleus of the cell
Rounded, dense structures in the protoplasm that contain RNA and synthesize proteins
The nerve center, a central body, of the cell, embedded within the protoplasm
Organ system
A group of organs that have a common purpose, such as the skeleton and muscles
The internal structures within the cells that carry out specific functions for the cell
An individual living thing; made up of various organ systems
Different types of tissues working together to perform a particular function
The movement of a solvent, such as water, from an area of low solute concentration to one of high concentration through a selectively permeable membrane to equalize concentrations of a solute on both sides of the membrane.
Osmotic pressure
The measure of the tendency of water to move by osmosis across a membrane
Parietal portion
The portion of the service membrane that lines the walls of the trunk cavities
Pericardial cavity
The region around the heart
Pericardial effusion
An abnormal accumulation of fluid within the pericardial sac
Pericardial Tamponade
A condition that occurs as fluid accumulates around the heart, which restricts the hearts stroke volume
Pericardial sac
The lubricated potential space between the layers of the pericardium
The service membrane that surrounds the heart
Peripheral nerves
The nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body by exiting between the vertebrae of the spine
Inflammation of the Peritoneum, the protective membrane that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavity
The process in which one cell eats or engulfs a foreign substance to destroy it
A process by which cells ingest the extracellular fluid and its content
The serous membrane covering the lungs and lining of the thoracic cavity
Pleural space
The potential space between the visceral and parietal pleura
Pleural fluid
The small amount of lubricating fluid that fills the pleural space
An abnormal accumulation of air within the pleural space
Popliteal fossa
The space behind the knee
Posterior triangle
The area of the neck containing the lymph nodes, brachial plexus, spinal accessory nerve, and a portion of the subclavian artery
Single, positively charged particles inside the nucleus of an atom
A viscous liquid matrix that supports all internal cellular structures and provides a medium for intracellular transport; also called cytoplasm
Pseudostratified epithelium
A single layer of epithelial cells of varying heights, all of which attached to the basement membrane, but all do not reach the free surface
The ongoing process of cell renewal or some cells actively dividing during life and others die and are replaced by new cells
Retroperitoneal organs
The organs (kidneys, pancreas, and duodenum) and major blood vessels located in the retroperitoneal space
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
A nucleic acid associated with controlling cellular activities
Organelles that contain RNA and proteins
Selective permeability
The ability of the cell membrane to selectively allow compounds into the cell based on the cells current needs
The property of the cell membrane that describes the ability to allow certain elements to pass through while not allowing others to do so
Serous membrane
Membrane that lines body cavities that line openings to the outside
Serum osmolality
The number of osmotically active particles in serum
Sex cells
Germ (reproductive) cells; in males they are known as sperm and and females they are known as Oocytes (eggs)
Simple epithelium
A single layer of cells, all of which are in contact with the basement membrane of the epithelial cell
Skeletal muscle tissue
Voluntary muscle tissue attached to bone and composed of long threadlike cells that have light and dark striations
The protective vault that houses the brain and is composed of the cranium and facial bones
Sodium potassium exchange pump
A mechanism that uses active transport to move sodium out of the cells and potassium into the cells
Dissolved particles, such as salts, contained in the solvent
Somatic cells
All of the other cells in the human body besides the sex cells
Spinal cavity
The spinal column or vertebral canal, housing the spinal cord
Spindle fibers
Microtubules radiating from the centrioles
Squamous epithelium
Flat sheets of epithelial tissue
Stratified epithelium
More than one layer of cells, only one of which is in contact with the basement membrane of the epithelial cell
Muscle tissue that has microscopic bands and may be either voluntary, such as leg muscles, or involuntary, such as cardiac muscle
A rapid pulse rate
A rapid respiratory rate
Groups of similar cells that work together
Transitional epithelium
Tissue that changes in appearance due to tension; it lines the urinary bladder, ureters, superior urethra
The navel
Vertebral column
The spine or primary support structure of the body that houses the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves
Visceral portion
The portion of the serous membrane that covers the outside of an internal organ