Chapter 19: Phylum Arthropoda Flashcards
- Soft __ of the arthropod ancestors was stiffened by deposition of ____.
- cuticle
- protein and chitin
What had to provide flexibility?
- joints
- What was necessary to allow for growth?
- sequence of moots
-Molting required what?
-hormonal control
They hydroskeleton function was ___. Coelom ___ and was replaced by ____.
- lost
- regressed
- open sinuses
This phylum contains over / of all known species.
Fossil history dates them back to late ____.
They are _____ protostomes with well developed organ systems.
- eucoelomate
- They are segmented. Molecular analyses indicate ___ and arthropods evolved from ___ ancestors.
- annelids, different
What is the largest organism in this phylum?
The smallest?
- japanese crab
- follicle mite
They are the ____ diverse animal group due to abundance and wide ecological distribution.
- most
Some organisms in this phylum are agents of ___ and compete with __ for food.
- disease, humans
Some are beneficial. All modes of ____occur among arthropods but some are ___.
- food
- herbivorous
Division into subphyla is based on relationships between ___.
Groupings among subphyla is based on ___ data.
Insects belong to what subphylum?
- Hexapoda
Spiders, ticks, horseshoe crabs and their relatives belong to what subphylum?
- Chelicerata
Lobsters, crabs, barnacles and others form what subphylum?
- Crustacea
Appendages may be under what two classifications?
- Uniramous
- Biramous
Describe what a uniramous limb is?
comprises a single series of segments attached end to end.
Describe what a Biramous limb is?
- branches into two, and each branch consists of series of segments attached end to end.
List the 6 Great Diversity and Abundance of Arthropods.
- versatile exoskeleton
- segmentation and appendages for efficient locomotion
- air piped directly to cells
- highly developed sensory organs
- complex behaviour patterns
- use of diverse resources through metamorphosis
Great Diversity and Abundance of Arthropods:
- Versatile exoskeleton:
- ____ is highly protective and jointed, providing mobility.
- It consists of an inner thick ___ and an outer thin ____.
- The procuticle has an ___ secreted before a moot and an ____ secreted after molting.
- Both layers of procuticle contain __ bound with __.
- The procuticle is ___,____ and protects against ___.
- __ content varies from 40% in insects and max 80% procuticle in crustaceans.
- ____ salts are responsible for hardness of procuticle of lobsters and crabs.
- Cuticle is __ between segments, allowing for movement at the__.
- What is Ecydsis or molting ?
- Arthropods typically moot how many times? What is a limit to ultimate body size?
- cuticle
- procuticle, epicuticle
- exocuticle, endocuticle
- chitin, protein
- lightweight, flexible, dehydration
- Chitin
- calcium
- thin, joints
- process of shedding outer covering and growing a new larger one
- weight
2) Segmentation and Appendages for Efficient Locomotion :
- Many ___ may be fused or combined into specialized groups called ___.
- Appendages are often highly specialized for what?
- Limb segments are ____ with internal ___.
- Appendages may function in ___, ___, __ or ___.
- somites, tagmata
- division of labour
- hollow levers, striated muscles
- sensing, food handling, walking or swimming.
3) Air piped Directly to Cells
- Terrestrial Arthropods:
L> Use an efficient ___ system for oxygen transport
- Aquatic arthropods:
L> respire via various forms of??
L> tracheal
L> gills
4) Highly developed sensory organs:
- Eyes vary from ___ light sensitive ocelli to a compound ____.
- Other sensory structures are for __, ___,___,___ and ____.
- simple, mosaic eye
- touch, smell, hearing, balancing, chemical reception
5) Complex Behaviour Patterns:
- Arthropods surpass most other invertebrates in ____ and ___ activities.
- Most behaviour is ___ but some is___.
- complex, organized
- innate, learned
6) Use of Diverse Resources through Metamorphosis:
- Many arthropods undergo metamorphic changes leading to different ___ and ___ stages;
- Larvae and adults ___on different ___and ___ different ___ avoiding competition.
- larval, adult
- feed, organisms, occupy, habitats
What are the three Subphylum’s of Phylum Arthropoda?
- Chelicerata
- Crustacea
- Hexapoda
What does Subphylum Chelicerata break down into?
- Merostomata (ex: horseshoe crab)
- Arachnida (ex: spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites)
What does Subphylum Crustacea break down into?
-Malacostraca ( ex: lobsters, crabs, shrimp)
What are subphylum Hexapoda’s orders? (9)
- Orthroptera
- Ephemerida
- Odonata
- Homoptera
- Hemiptera
- Coleoptera
- Lepidoptera
- Diptera
- Hymenoptera