Chapter 18 NOTES Flashcards
What are viruses
Acellular collections of biomolecules that infect cells
What are viruses usually associated with?
Plant, animal, and human diseases
Why are viruses considered non-living
Because they don’t exhibit all of the criteria of life
True or False: Viruses are extremely small and non-cellular
True or False: Viruses have a DNA and RNA genome
True or False: Viruses range from having 4-50 genomes in size
False; 4-100
Each virus always has two parts, and can occasionally have an additional part. What are these parts?
Always: Capsid and Nucleic Acid
Occasionally: Envelope
True or False: Viruses can vary in shape from thread like rods to polyhedral to complex “space probes”
How do viruses gain entry into specific host cells?
The capsid adheres to the specific receptor sites on the host cells surface
For most of the time, viruses have narrow host ranges; meaning that they can only enter one specific _____, or even one specific _____.
Species, Tissue
True or False: Viruses rely on cells proteins in order for them to replicate
False: Viruses rely on the host cells enzymes, ribosomes, and ATP for its own replication
What are Bacteriophages
Viruses that infect PROKARYOTIC (bacteria) CELLS
During the process of a Bacteriophage entering the cell, what will FIRST enter the cell
Nucleic Acid
Once the nucleic acid of the bacteriophage is inside the cell, the virus takes over___________ of the host cell
Metabolic Machinery
What are the five stages that the lytic cycle is divided into
- Attachment
- Penetration
- Biosynthesis
- Maturation
- Release
What happens to Phage DNA in the Lysogenic Cycle?
The Phage DNA becomes a Prophage
Where does the virus become integrated into during the lysogenic cycle?
Into the host cells DNA
What are Retroviruses
RNA animal viruses that have a DNA stage
What enzymes do retroviruses carry?
Reverse Transcriptase
What does reverse transcriptase do
Copies RNA into a double-stranded DNA that gets integrated into the host genome
Compare the Normal way to the Retro virus way
DNA -> RNA-> Protein= Normal
RNA-> DNA-> Protein= Retrovirus way
What are Viroid’s
Un-capsulated (non-capsid) RNA strands
What induces the cell to produce more viroid’s
What are Prions
Proteins that change their shape in a biochemical response to contact