Chapter 17 - Therapies Flashcards
what is ECT used for
severe depression that has not responded to other treatments, especially with older adults and medically ill patients
psychoactive agents
pharmacological agents that affect the individual’s psychological functioning
extrapyramidal effects
symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease - stooped posture, muscular rigidity, shuffling gait, drooling
used to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and muscle tension by reducing activity in parts of the CNS - lowers activity in SNS and lowers other body functions
four categories of antidepressants
preferred antidepressants
mood stabilizer preference
what are stimulants used for
used for treatment in children and adult with ADHD
side effects of stimulants
loss of appetite, sleep disturbance
process in which a professionally trained therapist uses techniques from psychological principles to relieve another person’s psychological distress or to promote growth
classic psychoanalysts rely on which five basic techniques
1) free association
2) dream interpretation
3) interpretation
4) analysis of resistance
5) analysis of transference
free association
individual says everything that comes to mind without censoring - therapist helps patient recognize motives and conflicts
dream interpretation
distinguish between obvious content of dream and more important content (usually unconscious)
analyst interprets what client is saying - interprets unconscious conflicts that may induce defense mechanism
analysis of resistance
client is unwilling to reveal some thoughts, situations - therapist must determine source of resistance if client is wants to deal with problem effectively
analysis of transference
by recognizing transference relationship and remaining neutral therapist can help work through conflict
occurs when client responds to therapist as he responded to significant figures from childhood
ego analysts
believe individuals can control their own behaviour - use Freudian techniques to explore ego rather than id
what do ego analysts try to convey to individual
how individual has relied on defence mechanism to cope with conflicts
what do Alderian therapists believe in
interpret dreams in terms of current behaviour, offer direct advice, and encourage new behaviors
interpersonal psychodynamic psychotherapy
mental disorders resulted from maladaptive early interactions between child and parent
is interpersonal psychodynamic psychotherapy a form of brief psychodynamic therapy
time-limited dynamic psychotherapy
involve client face-to-face contact but emphasize analysis of transference
what does time-limited dynamic psychotherapy help identify
patterns of interaction with others that strengthen unhelpful thoughts about self and others
therapeutic alliance
quality of the relationship between therapist and client is recognized to be a a predictor of therapy outcome
humanistic-experimental approach emphasis
person’s current experience rather than on the past
client-centered therapy
emphasize warmth and permissiveness of there therapist and tolerance in which client can be expressed
what does client-centered therapy examine
lack of meaning in person’s life - work best with those who are having conflicts regarding their existence or those with anxiety/ personality disorders
gestalt therapy
clients become aware of feelings and needs that have been ignored, distorted and recognize that these needs are a part of themselves and should be accepted
emotion-focused therapy
client enters into an empathic relationship with a therapist who is directive and responsive to their experience
response shaping
used to shape behaviour in gradual steps toward a goal
behavioral activation
treatment of depress to help patients develop strategies to increase their overall activity and to counteract their tendencies to avoid activities
exposure therapy
pairing anxiety-provoing stimuli with responses incompatible with anxiety would eliminate the anxiety response
systematic desensitization
fear-inducing stimuli are arranged in a hierarchy
assertiveness training
designed to help clients who have difficulty in conflict situations
problem solving approach
applied in problems such as weight control, clinical depression, lack of social skills
cognitive restructuring
people become more aware of their thoughts when they are experiencing strong emotions
individual therapy
strictly client and therapist
couples therapy
conjoint sessions but may also meet separately to discuss issues
family therapy
common goal of family - identity interactions between family
carry out tasks to change ways of interacting with each other
main providers of psychotherapy
clinical psychologists
treatment efficacy
defined as evidence of treatment effects when delivered in the context of a controlled study
treatment effectiveness
evidence of effects when treatment is evaluated in real world context
simply a method of quantitatively reviewing previous research
effect size
difference between means of experimental and control group
two aims of ESR
identify elements of effective therapy relationships and to determine efficacious methods