Chapter 17 Anesthesia and Analgesia Flashcards
What best defines nociceptors?
Specialized nerve endings in tissues that transmit signals to the brain
Effects of phenothiazine tranquilizers:
- Reduced anxiety
- Peripheral vasodilation
- Muscle relaxation
Benzodiazepine tranquilizers do not have analgesic properties.
The same drug must be used for the induction and maintenance phases of anesthesia administration.
Xylazine is a sedative that has an analgesic effect.
How are dose rates generally expressed?
During a routine fast before a surgery, an animal should not be allowed to have water.
False: During the fasting period, all animals should have water available ad libitum, unless removal is required and outlined in the approved protocol.
What are the phases of anesthetic administration?
Induction, maintenance, and recovery
What stage of the anesthesia should be attained before surgery on an animals begins?
Stage 3
It is often necessary to dilute a drug needed for smaller animals like rodents.
What is included in an anesthesia plan?
- Response to anesthetic emergencies
- Animal monitoring techniques
- Administration of the anesthetic
What route can be used to give anesthetics “to effect”?
Intravenous (IV)
Effects of Xylazine:
Lower blood pressure
Benzodiazepines are used mostly in smaller animals such as rodents
What type of drug can reverse the effect of another drug?
Stage 2 of anesthesia is sometime bypassed due to the action of the anesthetic.
An institution’s guidelines for routine drug uses and doses are usually obtained from the manufacturers’ labels.
False: it comes from the veterinarians
Possible effect of a preanesthetic treatment:
- Provide pain relief
- Make the animal drowsy
- Decrease apprehension
What drug can be used to reverse the effects for xylazine?
Drugs are generally available in only one concentration.
False: Many drugs are available in more than one concentration
What drug is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer?
Benzodiazepines should not be used in animals with heart disease.
False: Has minimal effects on the cardiovascular system, so they are safe for use in animals with heart disease.
It is generally recommended to preform a preoperative blood test on rodents.
False: surgery is usually done on young adult rabbits and rodents and outbreaks of disease are uncommon but a physical exam should be done prior to surgery
If a dose of an anesthetic is to small, the animal may feel pain during the procedure.
If a rabbit is to undergo gastic surgery, it should be fasted for 12 hours prior to the procedure.
False: 3-4 is sufficient and recommended
What type of drug decreases saliva production?
Some preanesthetics also provide postoperative analgesia
Stage 4 of general anesthesia can appropriately be considered an overdose of the anesthetic.
Phenothiazine tranquilizers can make blood vessels easier to locate.
All animals should be routinely fasted before anesthesia.
Phenothiazine tranquilizers can be used as analgesics.
An anesthesia plan is included in an animal use protocol.
What is the one precaution that must be considered when using urethane as an anesthetic agent?
It must be used with protective equipment
Pharmaceutical grade tribromoethanol is no longer available commercially in the US.
Why is alpha-chloralose used in experiments on animal physiology?
It does not depress the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.
Local anesthetics mildly affect an animal’s central nervous system.
What drug is a dissociative agent?
Adding an analgesic sedative to ketamine administration has what effect?
It prevents muscle rigidity
Isoflurane has a lower cost than sevoflurane.
What is another name for neuromuscular blocking drugs?
Paralytic drugs
Some injectable anesthetics are controlled substances.
By what factor are barbiturate agents classified?
Duration of action
What group is the only one that can be administered tribromoethanol?
Transgenic mice
Inhalant anesthetics are liquid agents that are vaporized.
What must be used in conjunction with neuromuscular blockers during surgical procedures?
An anesthetic drug
Isoflurane has a quicker recovery time that sevoflurane.
Tribromoethanol should not be stored in the presence of heat or light.
Open bottles of propofol should be discarded after 24 hours.
False: The manufacturer’s recommendation is to discard opened bottles after 6 hours.
Bupivicaine has a faster onset of action that lidocaine.
Lidocaine has a faster onset of action, and bupivicaine has a longer duration of action.
Bupivicaine has a longer duration of action than lidocaine.
What is a common anesthetic for use with fish and amphibians?
Tricaine methanesulfonate.
Color coding for tanks holding medical gasses is required by the FDA.
Sevoflurane has a faster onset of action than isoflurane.
When using a neuromuscular blocker, the palpebral reflex can be used to check that the animal has reached the correct stage of anesthesia.
False: Since reflexes are elminated by the paralytic drug, other parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure must be used to monitor the animal’s condition.
Medical grade air is 21% oxygen.
Tricaine methanesulfonate is used as a euthanizing agent for many aquatic species.
Inhalant anesthetics are passed out of the body chemically unchanged
In rebreathing machines, the size of th rebreathing bag should be determined by what?
The size of the animal
Nonrebreathing systems are cheaper to use.
False: Nonrebreathing circuits cost more to use and so are typically reserved for use in small animals only
One branch of the Y-shaped tubing on a nonrebreathing system carries oxygen, and the other branch carries the anesthetic gas.
False: One branch of tubing carries both oxygen and the anesthetic gas and the other branch carries exhaled gases.
What is the role of the pop-off valve in a rebreathing system?
It prevents the animal’s lung from overinflating.
A slight odor from waste anesthetic gases is safe and acceptable.
The pop-off valve should be set at the minimum setting necessary to keep the rebreathing bag partially inflated.
If pressure in the circuit becomes too great, the animal’s lungs could rupture.
On what part of a rebreathing anesthesia system can the pressure of the oxygen tank be read?
Pressure gauge
Shutting off the flow meter on a rebreathing anesthesia system stops the flow of oxygen completely.
False: It does not always stop the flow completely. When no longer in use, oxygen should be shut off at the tank.
A charcoal filter canister can be used as a passive scavenging method to collect waste anesthetic gases.
When using a rebreathing system, carbon dioxide must be removed before an animal rebreathes any exhaled gases.
What anesthetic gas can produce a compound that may be toxic to the kidneys when it passes through a soda lime canister?
Endotracheal intubation of rodents is rarely done because of the risk of injuring the animal’s trachea.
Check valves on each branch of tubing on a nonrebreathing system allow the flow of gas in one direction only.
The pressure gauge on an O2 tank provides a good approximation of the amount of gas remaining in the tank.
If an anesthesia machine is used infrequently, water may collect in the carbon dioxide absobent canister and cause corrosion.
The pressure-limiting (pop-off) valve should be closed before flushing an anesthesia system with oxygen.
False: should be open
If you are anesthetizing a 5 kg dog using a rebreathing system, what capacity would you choose for the rebreathing bag?
600 ml
Use of a nose cone and an activated charcoal canister is an effective scavener system for rodents.
Chambers can be used to anesthetize animals as large as cats and rabbits before intubation.
The same vaporizer can be used for all anesthetic gases.
Rabbits should be intubated before being placed into an induction chamber.
A nonrebreathing system is usually used for cats.
When using nonrebreathing anesthesia systems, what of the following reaches the animal’s lungs?
Only the anesthetic gas
For assisted ventilation, the pressure-limiting (pop-off) valve is closed, the rebreathing bag squeezed, and the valve re-opened.
The function of the expandable cuff of the endotracheal tube is to allow the gas to flow through around the tube.
False: the purpose of the cuff is to seal the tube against the wall of the trachea and prevent leakage of gas.
A mask can successfully maintain an animal on a gas anesthetic without being intubated.
Ceiling exhaust fans are the most effective and efficient means of removing waste anesthetic gases.
Which reflex is maintained if ketamine is the sole anesthetic agent used?
Which of the following is a characteristic of an anesthesia induction chamber?
Inlet and outlet ports connected to an anesthesia machine
Which term would you use to describe the effect of a combination of a phenothiazine tranquilizer and an anesthetic?
What is a characteristic of the respiratory pattern of surgical anesthesia?
Breathing initiated in the thoracic-abdominal area
Xylazine is which type of drug?
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
What is the tidal volume for most laboratory animals?
15-20 ml/kg
An anesthetic log should be kept for each animal. How often should vital parameters be recorded?
Every 5 -10 minutes
What does an ultrasonic Doppler flow detector measure?
Blood pressure
What drugs are opioid antagonists?
Nalorphine and naloxone