Chapter 17 Flashcards
Social Darwinists justified expanding American power overseas by suggesting that nations competed with each other, and only the strongest would survive.
Before Commodore Perry arrived in Yedo Bay, the Japanese had never before seen streamships.
In the Spanish-American Way, both sides knew that the outcome ultimately would be decided at sea.
American settlers in Hawaii discovered that the climate and soil of the island were suitable for growing sugarcane.
Josiah Strong, a popular American minister in the late 1800s, liked Anglo-Saxonism to Christian missionary ideas.
President Cleveland, who strongly favored imperialism, annexed Hawaii in 1898.
Puerto Rico is now an independent country.
President Franklin Pierce sent a naval expedition to Japan to:
a) conquer the islands around Japan
b) force Japan to become an American protectorate
c) force Japan to trade with the US
d) bring Western civilization to Japan
C - force Japan to trade with the US
In the late 1800s, support grew in the U.S. for building a large modern navy to:
a) protect the US from invasion
b) conquer Latin American countries
c) conquer islands in the Pacific
d) avoid being shut out of foreign markets
D - avoid being shut out of foreign markets
According to the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War, the U.S. would -
a) annex Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba
b) free Cuba, and annex Guam and Puerto Rico
c) free Guam and Cuba, and annex Puerto Rico
d) free Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba
B - free Cuba and annex Guam and Puerto Rico
The Philippines are now -
a) an American protectorate
b) an American commonwealth
c) an unincorporated U.S. territory
d) an independent country
D - an independent country
As a result of a war between Japan and China in 1894, Japan acquired -
a) territory in Manchuria
b) Korea
c) a leasehold in China
d) an exclusive right to trade with Chaine
A - territory in Manchuria
When the U.S. assumed the responsibility for collecting customs tariffs in the Dominican Republic, using the Marines as agents, it was applying -
a) the Open Door Policy
b) the Roosevelt Corollary
c) dollar diplomacy
d) the Platt Amendment
B - the Roosevelt Corollary
The Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown by -
a) a group of Hawaiian peasants, upset over the islands’ economic troubles
b) an invasion by the United States military
c) a group of planters supported by the United States Marines
d) a group of Hawaiian peasants supported by the US Marines
C - a group of planters supported by the US Marines
American support for the rebels in Cuba was fueled by -
a) the desire to protect American sugar interests on the island
b) popular interest in starting an American empire by taking control of Cuba
c) sensational stories published by rival newspapers
d) the fear of having a Spanish colony so close to the US
C - sensational stories published by rival newspapers
In 1898, President McKinley sent the battleship Maine to Havana to -
a) evacuate Americans if necessary
b) put down riots by Spanish loyalists
c) put down the Cuban rebellion
d) negotiate peace with Spain
A - evacuate Americans if necessary
The ____ gave the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs -
a) Platt Amendment
b) Foraker Act
c) Treaty of Paris
d) Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
A - Platt Amendment
The _____ gave the U.S. the right to build a canal across Central America -
a) Platt Amendment
b) Foraker Act
c) Treaty of Paris
d) Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
D - Hay Pauncefote Treaty
Theodore Roosevelt became president -
a) by defeating William Jennings Bryan
b) by defeating William McKinley
c) when McKinley died of pneumonia
d) when McKinley was assassinated
D - when McKinley was assassinated
The purpose of the Open Door policy in China was to -
a) end the Boxer Rebellion
b) gain leaseholds
c) establish spheres of influence
d) ensure trading rights for all nations
D - ensure trading rights for all nations
Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for negotiating peace -
a) between Russia and Japan
b) between China and Japan
c) among Russia and European powers
d) among factions in Korea
A - between Russia and Japan
When a trade treaty that exempted Hawaiian sugar from tariffs came up for renewal, the Senate insisted that the Hawaiians grant the US rights to -
a) establish missions
b) govern the islands
c) increase tourism
d) a naval base at Pearl Harbor
D - a naval base at Pearl Harbor
Shortly after midnight on May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey led his squadron into Manila Bay in -
a) Cuba
b) Hawaii
c) the Philippines
d) Spain
C - the Philippines
__________is the economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations.
Sensational reporting, in which writers often exaggerated or even made up stories to attract readers, became known as _______
yellow journalism
As tensions were building against the Spanish in Cuba, ________, or an attitude of aggressive nationalism, was strong in the Republic Party.
A ______________was an area where a foreign nation controlled economic development.
sphere of influence
The ____ were a secret Chinese society organized to get rid of foreign control.
In 1903, Panama was still part of _______, so the US negotiated with that country to try to gain the right to build a canal.
In a _____, the imperial power defended the local rulers from rebellions and invasion.
The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the _______ Doctrine.
In 1900 Congress passed the Foraker Act, making Puerto Rico an unincorporated __________.
US territory
A combined force took Kettle Hill and the Rough Riders took ________, which protected the harbor of Santiago.
San Juan Hill
“Dollar Diplomacy”
William Howard Taft
last monarch of Hawaii
was called “the butcher”
Valeriano Weyler
helped eradicate yellow fever in the Panama Canal area
William Gorgas
led revolt in Cuba
Jose Marti
Filipino revolutionary leader
Emilio Aguinaldo
naval officer whose book built public support for a large navy
Alfred Mahan
“big stick diplomacy”
Theodore Roosevelt
American settlers in Hawaii discovered that the climate and soil of the island were suitable for growing sugarcane
Under the Treaty of Paris, Cuba became an independent country, the US agreed to pay Spain $20 million for the Philippines, and the US acquired Puerto Rico and -
a) Guam
b) Hawaii
c) the Bahamas
d) Mexico
A- Guam
A group in China besieged foreign embassies in Beijing and killed more than 200 foreigners in what came to known as the -
a) Boxer Rebellion
b) Beijing Rebellion
c) China Way
d) Secret Society Rebellion
A - Boxer Rebellion
For his efforts in ending the war between Japan and Russia, Teddy Roosevelt won -
a) favor with the Japanese
b) the presidential election
c) the Nobel Peace Prize
d) new trade agreements
C - the Nobel Peace Prize
The ____made Puerto Rico an unincorporated territory -
a) Treaty of Paris
b) Platt Amendment
c) Annexation Act
d) Foraker Act
D - Foraker Act
San Juan Hill and Kettle Hill guarded the Bay of -
a) Havana
b) Santiago
c) Manila
d) Fundy
B - Santiago
The aggressive nationalism shown by members of the Republican party was called -
a) patriotism
b) jingoism
c) sectionalism
d) partisanship
B - jingoism
A _____ is a tax on imported goods
William Howard Taft’s “_____ diplomacy” placed less emphasis on military force and more on helping Latin American industry.
The New York Journal, owned by William Randolph ________, and the New York World, owned by Joseph Pulitzer, competed with each other to increase their circulation.
Roosevelt used what he called his _________ policy in dealing with foreign affairs.
big stick
Under its ____________ policy, the U.S. said that all countries should be able to trade with China.
open door
brought American steamships into the harbor of present-day Tokyo; took a naval expedition to Japan to negotiate a trade treaty
Matthew Perry
was the last monarch of Hawaii
along with Roosevelt, was the leader of the Rough Riders
Leonard Wood
rid the canal zone of malaria
William Gorgas
was the leader of a failed uprising in Cuba
Jose Marti
led the American naval force in the Philippines
George Dewey
Filipino revolutionary leader
Emilio Aguinaldo
assassin of President McKinley
Leon Czolgosz
the youngest person to ever become president
Theodore Roosevelt
idea that Latin America and the US should work together
idea that the English-speaking nations were destined to dominate the planet; the U.S. had a duty to shape “less civilized” areas
What was a territory called when an imperial power allowed local rulers to stay in control and protected them against invasion -
a) colony
b) protectorate
c) unincorporated territory
d) state
B - a protectorate
In the 1880s, American opinion began to shift and more people wanted to make the United States -
a) a world power
b) more isolated
c) a protectorate
d) part of Pan- America
A - a world power
When Americans began looking overseas for new markets in the 1800s, they naturally tended to look -
a) eastward
b) to Spain
c) westward
d) to England
C - westward
The Commercial Bureau of the American Republics was an organization that worked to promote cooperation among the nations of the Western Hemisphere and is today called the -
a) Organization of American States
b) Pan-American Union
c) Western United Nations
d) American Republics Organization
A - Organization of American States
governed relations between the United states and Cuba, effectively making Cuba into an American protectorate; ensured that Cuba would remain tied to the US
Platt Amendment
a volunteer cavalry regiment from the American West
Rough Riders
writer, poet, and exiled leader committed to the cause of Cuban independence
Jose Marti
an attitude of aggressive nationalism
When the explosion of the Maine (ship) happened, many Americans blamed in to -
a) Cuba
b) the Foraker Act
c) the Philippines
d) Spain
D - Spain
After much resistance, on April 11, 1898, President McKinley finally asked Congress to authorize the use of force to end the conflict in -
a) Panama
b) Cuba
c) Colombia
d) British Hong Kong
B - Cuba
Until 1886, about one-third of the Cuban population was -
a) from the United States
b) enslaved
c) from England
d) part of the Spanish military
B - enslaved
United States Navy
Great White Fleet
declaration that the US would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability; the US would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary
Roosevelt Corollary
said all countries should be allowed to trade with China; kept Chinese ports open to vessels of all nations
Open Door Policy
gave the US the exclusive right to build and control any proposed canal through Central America;
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
an area where a foreign nation controlled economic development
sphere of influence
In 1899, the US was a major power in Asia; however, the nation’s primary interest was not conquest but -
a) Anglo-Saxonism
b) commerce
c) an Open Door policy
d) imperialism
B - commerce
The United States had long considered two possible canal sites, one through Panama and one through -
a) Colombia
b) El Dalvador
c) the Dominican Republic
d) Nicaragua
D - Nicaragua
Who arranged for a small army to stage an uprising in Panama -
a) Philippe Bunau-Varilla
b) President Roosevelt
c) John Hay
d) the Boxers
A - Philippe Bunau-Varilla
if American business leaders supported Latin American and Asian development, everyone would benefit
dollar diplomacy
made Puerto Rico an “unincorporated territory”
Foraker Act
local rulers had to accept advice form an imperial power
In the 1800s, Europeans were looking overseas for places to sell their products because -
a) they were producing more products than other industrialized countries wanted
b) tariffs reduced trade among industrialized countries
c) they could see their products at higher prices in Asia and Africa
d) Asia and Africa were producing products that European wanted in exchange for their own
B - tariffs reduced trade among industrialized countries
President Franklin Pierce sent a naval expedition to Japan to -
a) conquer the islands around Japan
b) force Japan to become an American protectorate
c) force Japan to trade with the US
d) bring Western civilization to Japan
C - force Japan to trade with the US
At the First International American Conference, the US wanted Latin American delegates to agree to a customs union, which would -
a) setup a cultural exchange to learn about each other’s customs
b) reduce tariffs among American nations
c) make Latin American countries protectorates of the US
d) setup an organization among American nations for mutual defense
B - reduce tariffs among American nations
In the late 1800s, support grew in the US for building a large modern navy to -
a) protect the US from invasion
b) conquer Latin American countries
c) conquer islands in the Pacific
d) avoid being shut out of foreign markets
D- avoid being shut out of foreign markets
The US caused an economic crisis in Cuba by -
a) preventing trade with Spain
b) blockading the island
c) passing a tariff on sugar
d) withdrawing American investments
C - passing a tariff on sugar
Theodore Roosevelt was chosen as McKinley’s running mate in the 1900 election because of his -
a) reform-minded spirit
b) skill in foreign policy
c) charisma and war fame
d) rise from poverty
C - charisma and war fame
dollar diplomacy
William Howard Taft
linked Anglo-Saxonism to Christian missionary ideas
Josiah Strong
“speak softly and carry a big stick”
Theodore Roosevelt
led revolt in Panama
Philippe Bunau-Varilla
negotiated Open Door policy with European powers and Japan
John Hay
ambassador whose intercepted letter fueled American feelings toward war with Spain
Enrique Dupuy de Lome
Filipino revolutionary leader
Emilio Aguinaldo
invited Latin American nations to attend the First International American Conference
James G Blaine
By the late 1800s, growth of investment opportunities in western Europe had slowed because -
a) most of the industries that Europe’s economy needed had been built
b) Europe was experiencing an economic depression
c) most of Europe’s land had been settled
d) Europe’s factories were making good profits and no longer needed loans
A - most of the industries that Europe’s economy needed had been built
The Commercial Bureau of the American Republics, formed to promote cooperation among nations of the Western Hemisphere, is today the -
a) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
b) North American Free Trade Agreement
c) United Nations
d) Organization of American States
D - Organization of American States
American support for the rebels in Cuba was fueled by -
a) the desire to protect American sugar interests on the island
b) popular interest in starting an American empire by taking control of Cuba
c) sensational stories published by rival newspapers
d) the fear of having a Spanish colony so close to the US
C - sensational stories published by rival newspapers
Supporters of annexing the Philippines believed all of the following EXCEPT -
a) the islands would provide the US with a naval base in Asia
b) the US could profit form the islands’ rich mineral resources
c) the islands represented a large market for American goods
d) American had a duty to teach the “less civiilzed” peoples how to live properly
B - The US could profit form the islands’ rich mineral resources
The Platt Amendment effectively made Cuba into an American -
a) protectorate
b) colony
c) unincorporated territory
d) state
A - protectorate
The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the _________Doctrine
As tensions were building against the Spanish in Cuba, ________, or an attitude of aggressive nationalism, was strong in the Republican Party.
Roosevelt’s ___________policy emphasized America’s strength, while Taft’s ____________placed more emphasis on helping Latin American countries and less on military force
Big Stick
Dollar Diplomacy