Chapter 17 Flashcards
Flow path
is the volume between an inlet and an exhaust that allows the movement of heat and smoke from a higher pressure area within the fire area toward lower pressure area accessible via doors windows and other openings
“softening” the target by
applying 30-90 seconds of water into the compartment dramatically reduces fire development and improves conditions
The officer’s personal and physical involvement in fire suppression activities should never
override his or her supervisory duties
The inherent risk associated with emergency operations
demands close supervision at all times
An inexperienced crew performing a high risk tasks requires
more direct supervision than an experienced crew performing a more routine task
During nonemergency situations a participative leadership approach
can develop group cohesiveness and productivity.
Success using and authoritative style comes when
the officer has developed the trust and confidence of his or her subordinates before the incident
is a systematic process of gathering and processing information to evaluate the situation and then translating that information onto a plan to deal with the situation
Th end result of a good size up is an
incident action plan IAP that consider all the pertinent information, defines strategies and tactics and assigns resources to completer this tactics
Whenever a pre incident plan is updated, including a familiarization visits,
the fire officer is performing part of the future incident size up
Visualization is one of the
most significant factors in size up
Experienced fire officers know vigorous dark smoke churning means
a high heat release rate, indicating flashover conditions are present
Layman present a five step process for analyzing emergency situations
- Facts
- Probabilities
- situation
- Decision
- Plan of operation
Fare are the things that are known about the situation (like pre incident planning)
are things that are likely to happen or can be anticipated based on the known facts. ( building is sprinklered, building construction, amount of time to accomplish fire ground task)
Situation assessment involves three considerations
- whether the resources on scene and en route will be sufficient to handle the incident.
- The specific capabilities and limitations of the responding resources in relation to the problem.
- The capabilities and limitations of the personnel, based on training and experience
National Fire academy has developed a size up system that includes three phases
- Preincident information
- Initial size up
- Ongoing size up
Phase one: Preincident information
What you know before the incident occurs.
Preincident plans often provide valuable information for this phase.
If preincident plans are not available, this information must be determined through on scene observation and research
Phase two. Initial size up
Begins on receipt of an alarm
- What do I have
- Where is it going
- How do I control it
Phase three: ongoing Size up
Ongoing size up requires a constant flow of feedback information to the IC. Assignment is complete Assignment cannot be completed Additional resources are needed Resources can be released Conditions have changedysis Additional problems have been identified Emergency conditions exist
Risk benefit analysis is a key factor of
size up when selecting the appropriate strategic mode
Offensive operation
consists of an advance into the fire building by fire fighters with hose lines or other extinguishing agents to over power the fire. Offensive activity drives most fire department training, operations and organizational structures
Defensive operation
is used when the risk outweighs the expected benefits. When defensive operations are conducted, the risk to fire fighters are significantly reduced .
Hot zone
Highest hazard; minimum number of crew allowed in the area.
Structural weakness
hazardous environment
an area requiring use of full PPE including SCBA