Chapter 16 Flashcards
sensory receptors provide information about
external and internal environments
receptors main purpose is to respond to
stimuli helps us maintain
photorecetors respond to
light energy
hair cells respond to
sound waves
transducers convert
stimlus energy to elercrical
ion gated channels (voltage gated)
how to transducers convert energy
by changing resting membrane potentions by opening gated channels
what ions are involved in converting stimuli
sodium, potasium, calcium
send electrical signals down nerves using
ion gated channels
how many types of general receptors are there
what are the types of general sense receptors
somatic sensory receptors, visceral sensory receptors
somatic sensory receptors
skin and mucous membranes; proprioceptors of joints muscles and tendons
visceral sensory receptors
found in walls of internal organs, they monitor stretch, chemical environment, temp, and pain
special sense are specialized and comprised in sense organs in the
5 special senses
olfaction, auditory, gustation, vision, equilibrum
caterization by stimulus origin
exterorecptors, interreceptos, proprioceptoes
detect stimuli from external environment
detect stimuli from internal organs
detect body and limb movements
categorization by mdality of stimulus(stimulus agent) relates to what 5 types
chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and nociceptors
chemoreceptors detect
chemicals dissolved in fluid
thermoreceptors detect changes in
chemoreceptors can include receptors for _________ or ______
external environment or internal environment
thermoreceptors include receptors in
skin, hypothalamus
photoreceptors detect changes in
photoreceptors are located in the
mechanoreceptors are found
all over the body
mechanoreceptors detect distortion of
cell membrane
mechanorecerptors function as
baroreceptors, proprioceptors, tactile receptors, and specialized receptiors in inner ear
mechnoreceptors respond to
touch, stretch, vibration, and pressure
nociceptors detect
nociceptors are found
ineternally and externally
tactile receptors can be considered
encapsulated or unencapsulated
unencapsulated tactile receptors are things like
free nerve endings
encapsulated tactile receptors are things like
tactile corpuscle and lamelated corpuscle
tactile receptor are abunant ______ of skin and mucous
free nerve endings are
free nerve endings are _________ end of sensory neurons
free nerve endings have no
protective cover
free nerve endings are terminal ends of
sensory neuron dendrites
simpelst tactile receptor is
free nerve endings
free nerve endings reside close
to skin surface and in mucous mebrane
free nerve endings are mainly for
pain , temperature, light touch, pressure
root hair plexuses weap around
hair follicle
root hair plexuses are located in
deeper layer of dermis
root hair plexuses detect hair
unencapsulated taxtile receptors include _______ discs
tactile discs flattened _____ of sensroy neurons
flattened endings of sensroty neurons jelp extend to
tactile cells (merkel cells)
tactile disc respond to
light touch