chapter 13 pt 3 Flashcards
how many lobes is in each brain hemisphere
5 lobes
how many lobes are named after cranial bones and what are they
4, temperal, frontal, parietal, occipital
what lobe isnt visible at surface
frontal lobe is located at
anterior part of cerebrum
the posterior border of frontal lope s the
deep central sulcus
precentral gyrus controls
voluntary movement
lateral sulcus seperates
inferior frontal lobe from temporal lobe
from lobe has varied functions like
motor control, concentration, verbal communication , decision making, planning, personaility
people who have sistained damage to frontal lobe may
change personalities, lose motor functions
paritetal lobe deals with
desnse of touch.
parietal lobe antior border is the
central sulcus
postcentral gyrus is
ridge just posterior to central sulcus
posterior border is
parieto-occipital sulcus
in parietal lobe the lateral border is the _____ sulcus
the pariteal lobe serves general
sensory functions.
what type of sensroy functions does parietal lobe serve
evaluating shape and texture of objects
temperal lobe is internal to
temporal bone
the temporal lobe is located inferior ro
lateral sulcus
the functions of the temporal lobe include
hearing and smelling
occipital lobe has everything to do with
vision and visual memories