Chapter 15: Cardiorespiratory Training Programs Flashcards
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Frequency
≥5 d · wk−1 of moderate exercise, ≥3 d · wk−1 of vigorous exercise, or a combination of moderate and vigorous exercise on ≥3-5 d · wk−1
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Intensity
Moderate- and/or vigorous-intensity exercise for most adults
Light- to moderate-intensity exercise may be beneficial in deconditioned persons.
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Time
30-60 min · d−1 (150 min · wk−1) of purposeful moderate exercise, 20-60 min · d−1 (75 min · wk−1) of vigorous exercise, or a combination of moderate and vigorous exercise per day for most adults
<20 min · d−1 (<150 min · wk−1) of exercise can be beneficial in previously sedentary persons
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Type
Regular, purposeful exercise that involves major muscle groups and is continuous and rhythmic in nature
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Volume
≥500-1,000 MET · min · wk−1
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Pattern
One continuous session per day or in multiple ≥10-min sessions to accumulate the desired duration and volume of exercise per day
Cardiorespiratory exercise recommendation for Progression
Gradual progression of exercise volume by adjusting exercise duration, frequency, and/or intensity until desired exercise goal is attained
F in FITT Principles of Cardio Training
I in FITT Principles of Cardio Training
1st T in FITT Principles of Cardio Training
2nd T in FITT Principles of Cardio Training
Warm up
A transition period from rest to the target exercise intensity.
Ratings of perceived exertion
Used to subjectively rate overall feelings of exertion during exercise and it is helpful in guiding exercise intensity.
6 on the RPE scale
No exertion at all
7 on the RPE scale
Extremely light
9 on the RPE scale
Very light
11 on the RPE scale
13 on the RPE scale
Somewhat hard
15 on the RPE scale
Hard (heavy)
17 on the RPE scale
Very hard
19 on the RPE scale
Extremely hard
20 on the RPE scale
Maximal exertion