Chapter 15 Flashcards
How does the Cognitive approach explain Differences in personality?
differences in the way people process information
What your idea of the world is (your expectations are compared with real life)
But! everyone has different templates and expectations?
Where do templates come from?
Your experiences with the world
What is Kurt Lewin’s Field theory of behavior?
Life space (LS) behavior (B) is a function of the person (p) and their cultural environment (e)
B= f(LS) B = f(p,e)
Basically it helps predict someones behaviour
What is Kurt Lewin’s Psychological field?
The total sum of all forces and influences that can impact a person’s behavior. It incorporates situational, cultural, and social elements
- Everyone is in a psychological field, including life space. This causes behaviour. (we are all in different life spaces)
What is Kurt Lewin’s Life space?
This represents a person’s unique experience and reality. It includes their feelings, thoughts, perceptions, goals, and experience
Who is George Kelly and what theory did he propose?
Psychology of Personal Construct.
He was a psycho-therapist.
What is Personal Construct Theory?
Saw each person as a scientists
- Each person followed a sort of scientific method:
From this people build constructs
- He thought constructs were bi-polar (one or the other)
- Ex. Friendly - unfriendly
Intelligent - unintelligent
What are personal constructs in Personal Construct Theory?
Cognitive structures people use to interpret and predict events
*People do not use identical personal constructs
*Individuals do not organize constructs in an identical manner
*Bipolar: *Friendly–unfriendly (one construct)
Basically frameworks
Are the constructs always bipolar?
People who you know, and people who get alone better doesn’t have to be bipolar. More grey
How are constructs layered?
(basically a hierarchy of constructs. You go further down, the more you know about the person)
What does Kelly emphasize about people?
We don’t just react to environment, be we are active and creative
We also represent our environments (our constructs are cumulations of all our experiences)
How do constructs work?
- patterns that we create in our mind and attempt to fit over the realities of the world
- Modify constructs when they don’t fit the world (and increase how many constructs we have)
- test our constructs for the ability to predict what will happen in our lives.
With sufficient time and experience, and if we are willing to learn from our mistakes, we can evaluate all of our interpretations of the world in which we live
Explain Kelly’s fundamental postulate?
Fundamental postulate
“a person’s processes are psychologically channelized by the ways in which he anticipates events
Basically: we act in a way with how we expect the situation to be based on past events.
What are collalaries?
What the template / construct does
Explain Kelly’s Individuality and Organization corollaries:
*Individuality: Corollary Persons differ from each other in their construction of events.
*Two people cannot play the same role in a situation.
*They will therefore interpret the event differently
*Organization Corollary
*When faced with conflict, there may be solutions that contradict one another. *Which do we choose?
- First thing you choose is top of personal hierarchy
*E.g., stupid might work but we choose smart