Chapter 15 Flashcards
a model for understanding and recording the impact of cognitions on emotions, based on the three-step cognitive model (events lead to thoughts, which lead to feelings)
the ability to be mindful of one’s internal experiences
acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
facing one’s internal fears and committing to one’s personal values
cognitive therapy
a well-established and commonly practiced approach that focuses on important mental processes, and tends to be brief, structured, and targeted
activating event
a trigger that can cause irrational beliefs and negative emotions
all-or-nothing thinking
Irrationally evaluating everything as either wonderful or terrible, with no middle ground or “gray area”
automatic thoughts
thoughts that take place in an instant and without any deliberation
Aaron Beck
the father of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and is one of the world’s leading researchers in psychopathology
Judith Beck
daughter of Aaron Beck and leader of the current generation of cognitive therapists
a mental state or disposition that’s often associated with a particular response, such as an action or statement
Expecting the worst in the future, when, realistically, it’s unlikely to occur
thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, assumptions, etc.
common thought distortions
a set of labels to apply to illogical thoughts in order to discredit them
cognitive triad
Beck’s argument that three particular cognitions all contribute to our mental health: thoughts about the self, the world, and the future
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
the treatment of choice for borderline personality disorder (BPD) and others, particularly those that involve emotional dysregulation