Chapter 10 Flashcards
Beck Depression Inventory-II
a targeted self-report, pencil-and-paper test that assesses depressive symptoms in adults and adolescents
behavioral assessment
a form of assessment that assumes client behaviors are not signs of underlying problems; instead, those behaviors are the problems
behavioral observation
the direct, systematic observation of a client’s behavior in the natural environment, taking a direct sample of the problem at the site where it occurs
Children’s Apperception Test
a version of the Thematic Apperception Test aimed at children
clinical scale
the groups of items used when scoring the MMPI
Comprehensive System
the most common method of scoring the Rorschach that includes normative data collected from thousands of children and adults
content scales
used to assess a client’s standing on major content dimensions in a test
Paul Costa
one of the two authors of the NEO Personality Inventory
empirical criterion keying
a method of test construction utilized by Hathaway and McKinley that involves identifying distinct groups of people, asking them all to respond to the same test items, and comparing responses between groups,
evidence-based assessment
the focus is “what works” empirically, such as methods that have strong psychometrics, have sufficient normative data and are sensitive to diversity
John Exner
combined aspects of many scoring systems to create the Comprehensive System
Five-factor model of personality
a model that asserts the many words our language offers for describing personality traits “cluster” into five fundamental traits of personality
Robert McCrae
one of the two authors of the NEO Personality Inventory
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (A, 2, RF)
personality test in which the client reads hundreds of self-descriptive sentences and, using a pencil-and-paper answer sheet or computer, marks each sentence as either true or false as it applies to themselves
Theodore Millon
created the original MCMI