Chapter 14 (Read 1x) Flashcards
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is the discomfort ________ days prior to working out, NOT LACTIC ACID
1-3 days
Self Myofascial Release (SMR): hold for 30 seconds and will relax a muscle due to what inhibition?
autogenic inhibition
You should NOT foam roll anyone with what conditions ?
cancer, hyper tension, open wounds, osteoperosis
Static Stretching
1-3 sets fro 30 seconds , Reciprocal Inhibition
Active Isolate Stretching
1-2 seconds hold via reciprocal inhibition
Dynamic Stretching
force of production of a muscle and the body’s momentum via reciprocal inhibition
Which of the following states that prolonged Golgi tendon organ stimulation inhibits the muscle spindle of the same muscle?
Autogenic inhibition
reciprocal inhibition
excitation inhibition
facilitation inhibition
Autogenic Inhibition
The tendency of the body the seek the path of least resistance during functional movement patterns is called:
relative flexibility
A tight psoas decreasing neural drive of the gluteus maximus is an example of what ?
altered reciprocal inhibition