Chapter 11 &12 (READ 2+ BIG CHAPTERS) Flashcards
NASM reccomends trainers to test RHR at what pulse?
Radial Pulse
Healthy body fat percentage for men?
Healthy body fat percentage for women?
skin-fold testing sites for Jackson Pollock in women?
triceps, supra-iliac, thigh
skin-fold testing site for Jackson Pollock in men ?
chest, abdomen, thigh
skin-fold test sites for Durnin-Womersley?
biceps, triceps, subscapularis, supra iliac
most valid cardio testing ?
VO2 max
YMCA 3min test
96 steps per minute for 3 minutes
Rockport Walk test
walk 1-mile as fast as possible
1.5 Mile run test
like the Rockport but run for 1.5 mile as fast as possible
estimation of VO2max score
Differentiations between the ventilatory threshold test 1 & 2
1 = aerobic test (can speak via talk test) 2 = anaerobic test (cannot speak via talk test)
What are the posture five checkpoints?
feet, knees, LPHC, shoulders, head
Distortion Pattern: Pes Planes Distortion
characterized by flat feet, knee valgus, and adducted an internally rotated hips
Distortion pattern: Lower cross syndrome
anterior pelvic tilt, and excessive lordosis (extension) of the lumbar spine
Distortion Pattern: Upper cross syndrome
a forward head and protracted (rounded) shoulders
Overactive & shortened OR Under-active & Lengthened
overactive and short
overactive and shortened OR underactive and lengthened?
overactive and short
overactive and shortened OR underactive and lengthened
Underactive and lengthened
overactive and shortened OR underactive and lengthened
Psoas Major
overactive and shortened
overactive and shortened OR under-active and lengthened
Anterior Tibialis
Underactive and lengthened
overactive and shortened OR under-active and lengthened
Gluteus maximus and medius
underactive and lengthened
overactive and shortened OR under active and lengthened
Mid / Lower traps
Underactive and lengthened
overactive and shortened OR underactive and lengthened
Latissimus Dorsi
Overactive and Short
overactive and shortened OR under active and lengthened
TVA (abdominals)
underactive and lengthened
overactive and shortened OR under active and lengthened
Upper Traps
overactive and short
Performance test: Push-Up is for…
Performance Test: Bench
upper body strength
Performance Test: Squat
lower body strength
Performance Test: Vertical Jump
lower body vertical power
Performance Test: Broad Jump
lower body horizontal power
Performance Test: LEFT test
lower body lateral speed and agility
10-yards apart sprint, backpedal, side shuffle x2, Carioca x2, sprint
Performance Test: 40-yard dash
Performance Test: Pro Shuttle (5-10-5 test)
acceleration & deceleration
10 yards apart, stand in ready position by middle cone: 1-2, 2-3, 3-1 and ends the client passes middle one
Consideration for OVERWEIGHT populations ?
no single legs squat & modify OHS
Considerations for YOUNG populations?
endurance > strength
Consideration for OLDER populations?
skip single leg, modify OHS, keep standing (don’t go on the ground)
Consideration for PRENATAL population?
modify OHS, skip single leg, standing only
During the overhead squat assessment , you notice that your client knees’ buckle inward (knee valves), which of the following muscles need to be strengthened ?
Gluteus medius
Adductor Complex
Hip Flexors
Gluteus Medius
What muscle(s) are MOST likely tight if a client demonstrates an arching low back during the OHS?
transverse abdominus
hip flexors
gluteus maximus
hip flexors
What muscles are most likely overactive and should be stretched when an athlete exhibits an excessive forward lean?
Hint: 3
Soleus, hip flexor complex, abdominal complex
If a client demonstrates knees that cave in during the overhead squat assessment what muscle(s) are MOST likely overactive?
Adductor complex
If a client has Pes Planus Distortion Syndrome, which of the following should be foam rolled?
hip flexors
Which of the following assessments should be avoided for a pregnant client?
single leg squat
Which of the following is considered systolic hypertension?
Which of the following would be a contradiction discovered during a health risk assessment?
- Client smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.
- Clients mother passed away from heart attack at age 50.
- Client has experienced angina within the past 3-days.
- Client has leg pain due to recent increase in soccer play
- Client has experienced angina within in the past 3-days.