Chapter 14 - Parietal Lobe Flashcards
What are the subdivisions of the parietal lobe
What are the principal connections of the parietal lobe
What (in theory) does the parietal lobe do
What are the symptoms of parietal lobe damage
What is asymmetrical about the function of the parietal lobe
Distinguish between processing of spatial information for object recognition and movement guidance
What is sensory transformation
What do the Miguel Nicolelis studies of brain-to-brain interface and neuroprosthetic demonstrate
Distinguish between PPR and MPR. How do they differ
Discuss the symptoms, recovery and cause of contralateral neglect
What are Gerstmann’s and Balint’s syndromes
What are the two uses of spatial information
How could language and arithmetic be in the parietal lobe
What is extinction
What is asomatoagnosia
What is anosagnosia
What is blindtouch
What is allesthesia
What is agraphia
What is alexia
What is apraxia
What is spatial attention
What is cognitive neural prosthetic regions
What are 4 symptoms of parietal lobe injury