Chapter 14 Midterm 2 Flashcards
Rational component, mediating, ruled by “reality principle”
- conscious mind
- mediator between Id and Superego
Moralistic component, internalizing parental and social rules
-preconscious outside awareness but accessible
Irrational component, impulsive, ruled by “pleasure principle”
-unconscious mind
What are Freud’s Psychosexual Stages?
1) Oral (0-18 months)
2) Anal (18-36 months)
3) Phallic (3-6 years)
4) Latency (6 to puberty)
5) Genital (puberty on)
Oral Stage
Pleasure enters on the mouth - sucking, biting, chewing
Anal Stage
Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control
Phallic stage
Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
Latency stage
A phase of dormant sexual feelings
Genital stage
Maturation of sexual interests
Ego (defence mechanism)
protects itself with tactics that reduce and redirect anxiety by reality distortion
Defence Mechanisms function:
indirectly and unconsciously
underlies all other defence mechanisms. It is sometimes incomplete and may be manifested as symbols in areas or slips of the tongue
6 defence mechanisms
1) regression
2) reaction formation (displacement, repression)
3) projection
4) rationalization
5) displacement
6) denial
Repression (defence mechanism)
- unconscious mechanism to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious
ex: aggressive thoughts about the same sex parents are repressed
Denial (defence mechanism)
- blocking external events from awareness. If some situation is too much to handle the person refuses to experience it
ex: smokers may refuse to admit to themselves that smoking is bad for their health –> can not see that their spouse is having an affair even thought it is obvious