Chapter 14: Gene Regulation Prokaryotes Flashcards
gene regulation
process by which a cell controls whether an active protein is produced from a gene
gene regulation can occur at
many different levels of
gene expression
gene is transcribed into RNA
RNA translated into protein
protein is converted to the active form of the protein
dna - rna - protein- active protein
constitutive gene expression
the gene is expressed at the same level, all of the time, in all cell types
example of constitutive gene expression
housekeeping genes enzymes for glycolysis
regulated gene expression
many genes are expressed under certain conditions, in certain cell types, at certain developmental stages
at other times the gene is present but not used to make mRNA or protein (gene=off)
example of gene regulation in prokaryotes
enzymes for lactose metabolism are only expressed when lactose is present the media
examples of gene regulation in eukaryotes
genes that code for protective proteins are turned on when the organism is exposed to uv radiation
multicellular organisms undergo
cell differentiation
cell differentiation
when a cell becomes a specialized cell thpe
all cells have the same dna but
not all genes are expressed in every cell
in skeletal muscle cells, the striped look is from
actin and myosin
all cells contain the same ___
each cell type will contain different set of __
•some genes are
each cell type will contains different
• specialized cells ___ and ___
•turned on and others are turned off
look different and have different functions
developmental gene expression
different genes are expressed in the
embryo, fetus, adult
in prokaryotes, Most gene regulation occurs at the level of
transcriptional regulation
controls whether dna is transcribed into rna
most common type of gene regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
transcriptional regulation
in transcriptional regulation, rna is only made under certain conditions
if the gene is on: high levels of mRNA is made and protein will also be made
if the gene is off: no mRNA is made and no protein will be made
less common type of regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
translational regulation
translational regulation
controls whether mRNA is used to make protein: mRNA is always made and mRNA is translated into protein only under certain conditions
posttranslational regulation
protein has been made
controls whether protein is in the active form (functional) or inactive form (nonfunctional)
common type of regulation of proteins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
allosteric regulation
posttranslational regulation:
gene is always
what is or isn’t made?
form of protein
on= constitutive expression
rna is always made
protein is always made
protein can be in two different forms=allosteric regulation
posttranslational regulation: if protein is on
if protein is off
is is in the active form
of can perform its function in the cell
it is in the inactive form
the protein is nonfunctional and can’t do what it is designed to do
In eukaryotes, most gene regulation occurs at the level of
transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
controls whether dna is transcribed into pre-mRNA
eukaryotes also have these types of regulation
transcriptional, translational, and posttranslational
regulation of RNA splicing
controls whether pre-mRNA is processed to a functional mRNA
what is only in eukaryotes?
regulation of RNA splicing
alternative splicing
1 pre-mRNA -> ___ protein
mRNA 1-> protein 1
mRNA 2-> protein 2
in transcriptional regulation genes can be turned
on and off
main way genes are regulated is through
in prokaryote transcriptional regulation, when a gene is turned on
level of transcription
very high level of transcription
large amounts of mRNA are made
large amounts of protein are made
in prokaryote transcriptional regulation, when a gene is turned off
level of transcription
very low level of transcription
very low or no mRNA is made
very low or no protein is made
transcription factor
protein that controls whether the gene is transcribed into RNA
binds to DNA in the promoter of a gene
controls whether RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter
types of transcription factors
protein that bind to the promoter of a gene and prevent rna synthesis
either completely blocks it or is like a road block and can’t move past it
when a repressor binds to the promoter,
it prevents RNA polymerase from binding to the promoter
if RNA polymerase can’t bind -> ___ mRNA-> __ proteins
what size is RNA polymerase
very large
negative control of gene expression
depressor binds to DNA and prevent or decrease amount of transcription from a gene
proteins that bind near the promoter of a gene and increase or promote RNA synthesis
activators: some genes have ___ promoters so
RNA polymerase can’t recognize and bind to these weak promoters efficiently by itself
activator binding process
the activator binds to a dna sequence near the promoter
helps the RNA polymerase bind to the promoter
once the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter it makes mRNA
positive control transcription factors
activator proteins increase the amount of transcription from a gene
no activator= polymerase ____ bind
the active form of a transcription factor is the form that
can bind to DNA and perform its function
the form of a transcription factor is controlled by an
effector molecule
effector molecule
small molecule that binds to the transcription factor and changes its shape (allosteric regulation)
active form of a repressors
the form of a repressor protein that can bind to dna and prevent transcription
active form of an activator
the form of a activator protein that can bind to dna and promote transcription
the inactive form of a transcription factor can
not bond to dna so does not carry out its function
inactive form of a repressor
can not bind to dna so does not prevent transcription
rna is made