Chapter 14 Flashcards
what is aggression?
behavior intended to cause psychological or physical harm to a person or nonhuman animal
when do sex differences in physical aggression arise?
by ages 3 to 6
playing violent video games is linked with increased aggressive behavior immediately after playing. does gender matter? what is male avatar syndrome?
yes, but the character on the screen may matter more than the person playing the game, when the student played with a male videogame person, they behaved more aggressively
what is physical aggression?
physical acts intended to injure or harm others
what contextual factors modify sex differences in physical aggression?
sex differences are larger in studies with younger participants, in a real- world setting
who uses more physical aggression, men or women?
men (medium effect size)
what is verbal aggression?
communications intended to harm others
who expresses anger more, women or men?
no sex difference
who expresses anger more verbally?
small effect size but leans towards men
what is direct aggression?
overt verbal or physical behavior aimed directly at another person with intention to harm
(animals use this)
what is an example of direct aggression?
physical aggression, verbal
what is indirect (relational) aggression?
behavior intended to harm another persons social relationships or status often performed when the target is not physically present
ex. spreading rumors, excluding someone
what can indirect aggression lead to?
who uses relational aggression more, girls or boys?
no sex difference
what is bullying?
aggression (direct or indirect) that is repeated over time in which the perpetrator holds more power than the victim
who bullies more, men or women?
medium effect size but leans towards boys
what is cyberbullying?
aggression committed via the internet, mobile phones or other types of electronic or digital technologies
are you more likely to commit suicide if you have been bullied (in- person or online)?
are you more likely to commit suicide if you have bullied (in- person or online)?
what is violence?
severe forms of physical aggression that have extreme harm as their goal
(subset of aggression, i.e. aggression includes violence)
do men or women commit more violent crime globally?
what is the young male syndrome?
men between 18 and 24 years old committing a disproportionate share of violent crimes (more likely to kill in their late teens and early 20s)
which sex is more likely to be the target of aggression (bulllying, homicide, aggravated assault, armed robbery, SA, IPV?
boys are more likely to report being bullied (small sex difference)
men are more likely to experience homicide, aggravated assault and armed robbery
women are more likely to experience SA
men and women experience equal rates of certain IPV
what types of aggression do LGB individuals experience?
property damage
verbal harassment
what types of aggression are gay and bisexual men targets of more so compared to lesbian and bisexual women?
targets of sexual orientation- based hate crimes (murder and assault)
why do low- income, young black men have a higher risk of experiencing violent crime than do white and latino men in the US?
due to disproportionate impacts of systemic racism and poverty
what acts of aggression are gendered acts that reflect male violence against women?
sexual harassment
honor killings
aggressive pornography
what is sex- based harassment or sexual harassment?
behavior that humiliates an individual based on the individuals sex, sexual orientation or gender identity
what does sex based harassment include?
unwanted touching
sexual gestures
bullying and insults (undermining, excluding, being uncivil)
why do we call it sex- based harassment now, instead of sexual harassment?
because it doesnt always involve sexual comments or behavior
the united states recognizes two types of sex- based harassment, what are they?
quid pro quo
hostile environment
what is quid pro quo harassment?
occurs when a person with power offers advantages in exchange for sexual contact
what is hostile environment harassment?
refers to negative speech (ex. sexist jokes) or behavior (ex. gestures) that creates an intimidating or offensive environment, it often occurs between individuals of equal status
psychologists divide sex- based harassment into three types of behavior, what are they?
gender harassment (making sexual or sexist remarks or gestures, displaying sexual or sexist materials)
unwanted sexual attention (initiating unwanted sexual discussions or touching
sexual coercion (compelling sexual contact through job threats or rewards, least common type)
of the three types of sex- based harassment, which fall into the quid pro quo harassment and hostile environment harassment?
quid: sexual coercion
hostile: gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention
what is racialized sex- based harassment?
race- based and sex- based harassment are both present
ex. “big sexy black woman”
ex. “mamacita”
what is street harassment?
consists of uninvited sexual attention or harassment from a stranger in a public space
what groups suffer from street harassment?
what is power distance?
extent to which a culture has and accepts unequal distributions of status and power among its members (sex- based violence is more common in cultures that have greater power distance)
what is collectivism?
a cultural orientation in which group needs are prioritized over individual needs
what countries are high in power distance AND collectivism?
china and india (where men are more likely to commit sex- based harassment) they assign more blame to those who experience sex- based harassment
what is the gender symmetry perspective?
holds that women and men physically assault their partners in roughly equal numbers with largely parallel risk factors and motivations
is IPV an expression of male dominance on females?
no, in 70% of the cases women are the attackers
why are men believed to be the perpetrators of IPV?
because they are larger and stronger than women and possess more power
is stalking and sexual violence perpetrated more by men or women/
men (but this stuff is not measured in IPV so it might skew results)
who reports fear of their partners more? who ends up in emergency rooms more? who kills their spouses more?
men (mostly in other countries)
why would men kill their wives?
why would women kill their husbands?
men typically do so after suspecting infidelity, perpetrating long periods of intimidation and abuse and being left by their wife
women do following years of abuse and out of self- defense or fear
what did the gender symmetry in partner violence find with IPV around the world?
in countries with less gender equality, women experience more IPV
how can we resolve conflicting estimates of the frequency of male and female partner violence?
recognizing two distinct forms of IPV
what are the two forms of IPV?
situational couple violence
intimate terrorism
what is situational couple violence?
occurs when heated conflicts get out of hand and escalate unpredictably into violence, the violence is unlikely to cause serious injury
perpetrated at similar rates for men and women
what is intimate terrorism?
rare and occurs when one partner consistently uses violence and fear to control the other
aggression tends to escalate in severity over time and can cause serious injury
men perpetrate it more than women
intimate terrorism is often accompanied by control tactics, what are they?
behaviors people use in close relationships to maintain power over partners (ex. jealousy, controlling their access to money, demanding whereabouts, limiting contact with family and friends)
these tactics are warning signs that the person might become physically abusive in the future
what did the hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou raise awareness for?
raising awareness of non physical partner abuse including control tactics such as isolation (makes you choose between your friends and him), jealousy (accuses you of cheating because you took longer coming home than usual), economic control (takes your money and decides how the paycheck will be spent)
began with heterosexual women, but later included heterosexual men and LGBTQ
frye and colleagues suggest that there arent really different “types” of IPV, instead they think IPV falls along 3 factors, what are they?
controlling behaviors
violence escalation
what is sexual assult?
used as a general term to mean unwanted sexual contact without the explicit consent of the victim
what is rape?
a form of sexual assault that is nonconsensual penetration of the mouth, vagina or anus by a penis, finger or object
what is consent?
all parties have a clear and mutually understandable agreement expressed in words or actions to engage in sexual activity
how common is sexual violence?
1 in 3 women worldwide experience some form of physical or sexual violence
highest rape rates are in north america, southern africa and oceania
what is polyvictimization?
experiencing more than one type of aggressive victimization (sexual assault, physical abuse and bullying)
45% of female and 12% of male SA victims reported this
what is unacknowledged rape?
phenomenon in which individuals have experiences that meet legal definitions of rape without labeling their experience as such
ex. if youre intoxicated during a rape and you didnt say no, still counts as rape but you might not label it as rape because you didnt say no
who are the victims of rape, men or women?
who commits sexual violence (rape), men or women?
most rapists are men (in most rapes the victim knows their perpetrator, normally doesnt involve weapons)
what percentage of people in the US report sexual violence to authorities?
20- 34%
why do people not report their rapes?
fear that they lack adequate proof
police wont take them seriously
rapist will come after them again
families will find out
what percentage of rape allegations are false?
white men are a bit more likely to rape, why might that be?
they get away with it due to hierarchical social structure and privilege
what percentage reported hearing jokes about LGBTQ in the workplace?
what percentage of trans experience adverse job consequences (denied promotion)?
why are LGBTQ people so often targets of violence?
as societal attitudes toward LGBTQ become more positive, this may trigger more acts of violence towards LGBTQ, as some might see it as a “threat to their worldviews”
as societal attitudes toward LGBTQ become more positive, this may trigger more acts of violence towards LGBTQ, as some might see it as a “threat to their worldviews”, what threats to worldviews are heterosexual people talking about?
social conventionalism (strong commitment to social conformity), hypermasculinity (strong commitment to traditional masculine norms), benevolent sexism (beliefs that “good” women should uphold traditional gender norms)
when do boys have higher testosterone than girls?
does testosterone determine how aggressive someone is?
not until puberty, and by the time their adults their testosterone levels are 15x higher than womens
what do evolutionary psychologists think is the primary motive for mens violence against women?
what are the 3 main things that impact gender- based aggression?
structural inequality
what are honor cultures? what are 3 examples of honor cultures?
a culture in which individual and family honor is at the center of all social life and men are expected to defend their own and their families honor with violence if necessary (women are expected to avoid any behavior that could shame the family)
male to female violence is high
ex. honor killings, dowry death, acid attack
what are honor killings?
involve the murder of a female relative who has shamed the family (ex. seeking divorce)
what is a dowry death?
a brides husband or in-laws murder her after her family fails to provide adequate dowry (goods provided by the brides family to the groom at marriage)
what is an acid attack?
rejected men throw sulfuric acid onto women or girls to punish them for refusing marriage proposals or denying sex
what cultures do honor cultures occur?
middle east
southeast asia (india, pakistan, nepal, bangledesh)
latin america
southern united states
what is male discrepancy stress?
anxiety about not being masculine enough (they want to be masculine to still obtain manhood)
what does the status inconsistency perspective propose?
states that when men are in relationships with female partners who have greater status and financial power than they do, they may feel emasculated and thus use IPV to exert power
what does the socioeconomic dependence perspective propose?
proposes that when men have more power and financial resources than women they might be more likely to use intimate partner violence as a means of exerting and maintaining control
what is the nordic paradox?
nordic countries (denmark, finland and sweden) have the highest gender equality and the highest levels of male to female IPV in europe
what is female genital mutilation/ female genital cutting/female circumcision?
practice of removing or injuring the female external genitalia for nonmedical reasons (most common in africa, middle east, asia) to encourage modesty, reduce seuxal libido and increase womens desirability as marriage partners
where is child marriage common?
south asia
latin america
(WHO is working to stop this practice)
what is sex trafficking?
forced nonconsensual recruitment and retention of persons for sexual use and exploitation
what is the I^3 (I cubed) theory?
the theory that partner violence depends on the interplay of three factors: provocation by a partner (instigation), forces that create a strong urge to aggress {ex. an aggressive personality or intoxication} (impellance), and forces that decrease the likelihood of aggression {ex. presence of a police officer} (inhibition)
what is aggressive pornography?
sexually explicit material that is meant to arouse and that contains acts of physical or verbal aggression, degradation or humiliation
what is erotica?
sexually explicit material that is meant to arouse but that is nonaggressive
does pornograpy exposure increase aggressive behavior?
the individuals who show the greatest negative effects from watching aggressive pornographt are men who are already predisposed toward sexual aggression and who watch porn frequently
what percentage of pornographic material contains images of violence, degradation or humiliation of women?
40-88% of scenes contain physical aggression (spanking)
49% of scenes contain verbal aggression (name calling)
what is the sexual callousness model?
a model proposing that repeated exposure to pornography desensitizes and habituates viewers, leading to callous sexual attitudes towards women
are people that are addicted to porn content with their sex lives?
no, they report less satisfaction