Chapter 14 Flashcards
Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and Environmental Awareness
denotes significant statistical changes in climate that continue for a long period of time.
Climate Change
A United Nations Body called the ____________________________________ evaluates climate change science and released reports on global climate change. In their report, there is a significant change in the world’s climate over the past century.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
________________ can have a greater potential impact on all the creatures on the planet resulting in a change that will lead to various consequences affecting humanity.
Global climate change
The Earth warms naturally due to the process known as _____________
Greenhouse Effect.
The ______________ is a phenomenon caused by gases naturally present in the atmosphere that affects the behaviour of the heat energy radiated b the sun.
natural greenhouse effect
In this process, ______________ enters the earth passing through the atmosphere and is absorbed in the earth’s surface. This absorbed energy warms the earth’s surface while some of it is reflected by the earth back to the space in the form of _____________.
sunlight(shortwave radiation), infrared or long wave radiation
Greenhouse gases is composed of
water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide
An increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere enhances __________.
Greenhouse effect
_____________ disrupts the equilibrium of the Earth’s climate due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases that increases the global average surface temperatures.
Greenhouse effect
The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of _______________________________________ such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, and halocarbons.
78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% Natural greenhouse gases
human activities enhance the greenhouse effect
Enhanced Green House Effect
-gases in the atmosphere that trap and absorb heat or infrared radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface and reradiating it back to the earth’s surface. This __________ by the greenhouse gases causes a change in the radiative balance of the Earth- balance between the energy received from the sun and the energy emitted from the Earth.
Greenhouse gases, heat trapping
Human activities that emit greenhouse gases are considered ______________.
anthropogenic sources.
The main greenhouse gases are
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
as described by NASA Earth Observatory is “ the unusually rapid increase in the earth’s average temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouses gases released by people burning of fossil fuels.
Global Warming
occurs as a result of global warming.
Climate Change
The Earth is changing because of the _________________.
Enhanced global warming
is used as an indicator that will significantly provide information about global warming.
Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere
are considered the best buffers of storm surge
considered as one of the most important inputs for economic growth.
include solar, geothermal, hydropower, wind, biomass, and biofuels which can replenish naturally in a short period.
Renewable sources of energy
Examples of Renewable sources of Energy
wood, wood waste, landfill gas, biogas, ethanol, and biodiesel are renewable energy sources categorized as biomass
include crude oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy. These resources do not replenish in a short period.
Non-renewable sources of energy.
__________ products such as gasoline and diesel fuel that runs transportation vehicles are produce from crude oil.
liquid pertroleum
Too much use of the natural resources
a steady increase in population increases the demands for fuels and products produced from natural resources
the use of old and outdated power-generating equipment by the energy- producing firms which are less efficient and cannot meet the world’s demands of energy
Poor infrastructure
the fossil fuel-dependent economy of many countries mainly relying on non-renewable resources like coal as the main sources of energy. However, there are other renewable energy sources option that are yet to be explored. Investing on renewable energy sources are of much advantage over the non-renewable ones. It will not only reduce fossil-fuel dependency but also decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Unexplored renewable energy options
commission of new powerplants can help address the global problems on the world’s energy supply and demand. However, some countries were reported to have experienced a delay in commissioning power plants.
Delay in commissioning power plants
the less concern of the people on energy conservation resulted to more energy being wasted
Wastage of energy
caused by frequent tripping and breakdown
Poor distribution system
pipeline burst, volcanic eruptions, floods, and earthquakes are some events that cause a shift in the world’s energy supply and demand. Specifically, it causes inflation of oil prices.
Major accidents and natural calamities
can cause a global shortage of energy supply especially if it happen in a major oil producing countries like the Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, UAE or Qatar. The __________ in 1990 causes a high inflation of oil prices due to energy shortage that created a major problem of the people.
War and attacks,The Gulf War
such as strikes by trade unions in an oil-producing firms, military coups, tax hikes, political events, sever hot summers or cold winters can suddenly increase the demand of energy and affects the supply
Miscellaneous factors
Bautista cited the ________________ as one of the latest energy technologies that can efficiently produce clean, renewable electricity by using the temperature differences between the surface ocean waters and the deep ocean waters.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion OTEC
The most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, contributes the greatest portion of warming caused by human activites.
Occurs naturally as part of the global carbon cycle
Produced by human activities/ anthropogenic sources like burning fossil fuels for electricity, combustion of fuels for transportation, burning of papers and plastics
It can be regulated by natural sinks like green plants that absorb C02 needed for photosynthesis.
A natural gas that comes from natural sources such as wetlands and termite mounds
Methane CH4
Also produced from human activities such as coal mining, natural gas production and distribution, waste decomposition in landfills, and digestive processes in livestock and agriculture.
Methane CH4
Naturally occurring as part of the global water cycle
Water Vapor
The most abundant and significant greenhouse gas which can trap more heat than carbon dioxide
Water Vapor
It interacts with carbon dioxide in crucial ways. More carbon dioxide produces more water vapor that makes the Earth even more hotter.
Water Vapor
Naturally occurring in the stratosphere but largely found in the troposphere because of human activites.
Emissions come from agricultural and industrial activities and the combustion of solid wastes and fossil fuels,
Nitrous Oxide
Emissions come from commercial, industrial, or household uses.
Synthetic Gases
Include hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and other synthetic gases
Synthetic gases
contributes the largest amount of greenhouse gas emmissions
Electricity production
Vehicles used petroleum-based materials like gasoline and diesel that release greenhouse gases
Uses fossil fuels to produce goods from raw materials in the factories. Fossil fuels emit __________.
Industry, greenhouse gases
Common sources of greenhouse gases in homes are burning of fossil fuels and handling wastes. Same common sources in commercial places like market and cities.
Commercial and residential
Greenhouse gases are released from the livestock. Examples are goats, cows, agricultural soils, and the production of rice that produce these gases.
C02 is absorbed by trees, the primary absorber of Carbon dioxide. Cutting and burning trees highly emit greenhouse gases. Clearing of lands makes the increasing CO2 difficult to control.
Land use and Forestry.