Chapter 14 Flashcards
Managers & Leaders Kotter’s View
Management is about coping with complexity.
Leadership is about coping with change.
Tactics for influencing others
rational persuasion inspirationsal appeals consultation ingratiating tactics personal appeals exchange tactics coalition tactics pressure tactics legitimating tactics
5 approaches to leadership
Trait approaches behaviorial approaches contingency apparoaches full range approach three addional perspectives
trait approaches to leadership
attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders
project GLOBE
ongoing attempt to develop an emprcally based theory to “describe, understand, and predict on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes.
Behavioral Leadership
approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders
Contigency Approaches
effective leadership behavior should be matched to the situation
2 contingency approaches
determind the leaders styles
is that style effective?
Houses Path Goal
holds that the effective leder makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths or behavior.
acording to feebler leadership style is a
Path Goal Theory
- leader behaviors are……influcenced by the two contingency factors of
- employee characteristics and
- enviromental factors…in determining
- the most effective leadership
Leader behaviors
employee characteristics
enviromental factors
leadership effectiveness
transactional leadership
focuses on clarifying employee’s roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance
transformational leadership
transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self interests
Kouzes & Posner’s 5 traits-honest, competent, foward looking, inspiring.
Gener studies-motivating others, fostering communcation, producing high quality work, and so on.
Leadership essons from the GLOBE project-visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders are best worldwide