Chapter 13 Schedules Of Reinforcement Flashcards
Fixed interval (FI)
A schedule of reinforcement that provides reinforcement for the first response followings fixed duration of time since the last response was reinforced
Fixed Ratio (FR)
A schedule of reinforcement that requires the completion of a number of responses to produce a reinforcer
A schedule of reinforcement in which some, but not all,occurrences of the behavior are reinforced
Limited hold
Reinforcement remains available for a finite time following the elapse of the FI or the VI interval
Postreinforcement pause
The absence of responding for a period of time following reinforcement. An effect commonly produced by FI and FR schedules of reinforcement
Ratio strain
A behavioral effect associated with abrupt increases in ratio requirements when moving from denser to thinner reinforcement schedules
Schedule of reinforcement
A rule specifying the environmental arrangements and response requirements for reinforcement; a description of a contingency of reinforcement
Schedule thinning
Changing a contingency of reinforcement by gradually increasing the response ratio or the extent of the time interval, resulting in a lower rate of reinforcement per responses, time or both
Variable interval (VI)
A schedule of reinforcement for the first correct response following the elapse of variable durations of time
Variable Ratio (VR)
A schedule of reinforcement that requires the completion off variable number of responses to produce a reinforcer
Adjunctive behaviors
Behaviors that occur as a collateral effect of a schedule of periodic reinforcement for other behavior; time-filling or interim activities that are induced by schedules of reinforcement during times when reinforcement is unlikely to be delivered
A schedule of reinforcement That provides reinforcement whenever the requirement of either a ratio schedule or an interval schedule is met, regardless of which of the component schedule’s requirements is met first
A schedule of reinforcement in which the response requirement of two or more basic schedules must be met in a specific sequence before reinforcement is delivered; a discriminative stimulus is correlated with each component of the schedule
A schedule of reinforcement consisting of two or more elements of the basic schedules occurring successively or simultaneously and with or without discriminative stimuli
A schedule of reinforcement in which two or more contingencies of reinforcement operate independently and simultaneously for two or more behaviors
A schedule of reinforcement follows the completion of response requirements for both a ratio schedule and an interval schedule of reinforcement
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being fewer than gradually decreasing criterion based on the individual’s performance in previous intervals
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement is provided at the end of a predetermined interval contingent on the number of responses emitted during the interval being higher than gradually increasing criterion based on the individual’s performance in previous intervals
A schedule in which reinforcement follows each occurrence of the target behavior that is separated from the previous response by a minimum inter response time, or is contingent on the number of responses within a period of time not exceeding predetermined criterion
Matching law
The allocation of responses to choices available on concurrent schedules of reinforcement; rates of responding across choices are distributed in proportions that match the rates of reinforcement received from each choice alternative
A schedule consisting of two or more basic schedule of reinforcement that occur in an alternating, usually random, sequence. No discriminative stimuli are correlated with the presence or absence of each element of the schedule
A schedule consisting of two or more basic schedule of reinforcement that occur in an alternating, usually random, sequence. A discriminative stimuli are correlated with the presence or absence of each element of the schedule
A schedule of reinforcement That systematically thins each successive reinforcement opportunity independent of the individual’s behavior
A schedule of reinforcement in which the response requirements of two or more basic schedules must be met in a specific sequence before reinforcement is delivered; does not use discriminative stimuli with the elements in the chain
Continuous reinforcement
A schedule that provides reinforcement for each occurence of behavior