chapter 13 Flashcards
What are incorporated into the overview of stress management training?
- Changing triggers
- relaxation trainings
- cognitive interventions: self instruction training an cognitive restructuring
- behavioral interventions
How does changing triggers work? name the three steps::
- probelm exploration and clarification (what are the triggers)
- goal setting (which triggers need to change)
- Facilitating action (how are triggers changed)
What is self instruction training?
This intervention is targeted at surface cognitions and
involves positive self-talk
Stress inoculation training
suggests that various strands of cognitive therapy should be
combined so that, when faced with a stressor, patients concentrate on
● Checking whether their behavior is appropriate to the circumstances
● Maintaining relaxation
● Giving appropriate self-talk
Third wave therapies
First wave therapies for stress management were based on Pavlovl and Skinner’s
conditioning theories. However, whereas the second-wave adopted a more cognitive approach,
third-wave therapies shift to a more behavioral stance
Mindfulness-based interventions, a two cpmponent model:
Self-regulation of attention
● An orientation toward one’s experiences in the present moment characterised by
curiosity, openness, and acceptance
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
is another mindfulness-based approach to stress therapy and is rooted in radical
behaviorism. Its goal is to use acceptance and mindfulness to teach psychological flexibility.
ACT teaches the individual to be aware of thoughts, without being driven by them. This
flexibility is established through a focus on five core processes;
● Acceptance
● Cognitive defusion
● Contact with the present moment
● Values
● Committed action
preoperational information.
In hospital settings, there are a few things that can help reduce stress. One of those is the
giving of preoperational information. Giving both procedural and sensory information about
their surgery has been shown to reduce anxiety. However, it is also important to match the
patient’s needs. People who usually cope with an avoidant style might benefit less from being
told what to expect.
Worksite Health Promotion (WHP)
which involves interventions to employees about nutrition, blood pressure, and weight control.
Two crucial elements when it comes to the effectiveness of WHP programs
are a high
participation rate and an effectiveness in creating behavior change.
Health wellness programmesq
focus on employee wellness next to physical health. It
acknowledges work as being an important determinant of employee health and wellbeing. It
therefore also focuses on stress management.